Wednesday, July 04, 2007
There has been an uproar about my NOT updating the stories about myself. Well here we go.
Lately, I've been looking for a job that will jumpstart my future. Not a real career, per se, but something that will count as experience towards my area of study. I've been looking into coop, and companies that will do coop for me. I've done job interviews all week, which is pretty difficult considering my already jamp packed schedule. And most of the companies I've interviewed with have been advising me that they will not be able to pay me as much as what I was already making, but this is a sacrifice I have to make today, for a little security tomorrow. It is very important to get started now because I have less than a year before I get my Associates and I'd like to have some experience done before I get my Bachelors. Time is ticking.
As well, now that mid terms are done, I'm trying to finish my final project, final papers, et al. A little brain fart on my part, so not a lot of progress there.
With everything going "not-so-good" I've been feeling a little down, and I've got my best girl friend out of state, and my best guy buddy out of the states, so I'm a little low on moral support. Ray has been very kind and understanding. These are the days I appreciate him more. Today he spent trying to recoup from last night and I spent cleaning, he thanked me for taking care of him, and I reminded him it is really the other way around. Having him to take care of, even if it's just running upstairs to get him some water, makes me feel not as worthless.
Yesterday, I struggled through the day. We had another 4 Man Scramble, and I was very off my game. I left my Programming and Spanish classes early so I really didn't get my mid-term grades back yet.

For last night we went over to Eric and Sherri's and watched Eric blow stuff up. Fireworks. It was very fun. Afterwards Eric, Ray and I drove over to Emerson Biggin's on the West side and had a couple more drinks before calling it a night. I didn't get to take any pictures, I was trying to just enjoy the moment.
Like previously mentioned this morning Ray suffered a bit, but not as much. I cleaned the house and let him relax a bit in front of the TV. Currently he is at his parents eating dinner, and I'm trying to finish laundry before he gets back. Today is his only day off for the holiday, so back to work he goes tomorrow.
My classes tomorrow shouldn't be very difficult, though. Spanish is having a field trip day since the teacher is not expecting a big turn out due to the holiday. That should be something to blog about. We'll see. |
posted by Jenni @ 6:56 PM  |
who else is out of the states? because I'm pretty sure I have never provided moral support......at least not directly, if you call making fun of me moral support for yourself, then yeah, I suppose that's me.
You want to pillow fight for charity?
we had a poetry reading last month http://www.flickr.com/photos/jgum/sets/72157600511219153/ some of the pics
this event is a fund raiser for the ict roller girls league and it will be a women of asspants vs the ict rollergirls in a "pajama party pillow fight extravaganza"
the flyer for the last event http://aee.justingum.com/web-poster.jpg
Zach helps with these as well so he can also be a source of information for you too
this event should be mid august so there is still some time to go. we will be making tickets to the event as well as flyers and a set for the "bouts" to take place in
if you know any other cute cool girls such as yourself interested in helping the cause they are more than welcome. We're looking to have our "team" assembled by the end of july just to be prepared, the reading was a down to the wire event we'd like to avoid if possible this time, it all worked out great just so close in regards to planning
we'll be asking that husbands/boyfriends/friends do purchase tickets though as capacity is around 150 attendants and the event is to fund the roller girl league.
tickets are only 5 bucks and 28 ringside "VIP" will be 15
Jeff, I, and Zach will be purchasing tickets though we all have roles to attend to once we are there.
I look forward to chatting with you some more about this as far as showing you the flyer and arranging a time to meet up with everyone
in the meantime if you'd like to say hello to Jeff, his myspace is http://myspace.com/asspantsent
feel free to say hello to the man that would be announcing your name :D
more details are to come of course, this was just a seed to collect some interest
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who else is out of the states? because I'm pretty sure I have never provided moral support......at least not directly, if you call making fun of me moral support for yourself, then yeah, I suppose that's me.