Monday, July 09, 2007
I've got three weeks left of this semester, a final program I've yet to start, a final paper on the same track as the latter, and Spanish slowly turning gibberish. I am in a panic. I've accepted a job offer with still another job interview to go. I'm a juggling act trying to keep my composure. My biggest achievement to date. Getting a Nintendo wii for Logan.
You have no idea how stressed I've been over that. It seems trivial to most everyone I've talked to about it. They offered several options as an alternative to the wii. I had to keep explaining, "I promised him a wii, and I'm getting him a wii." Down to the wire I finally caved and had Matt talk to him about what he would want if there were no wii's available. Logan told Matt he'd want an Xbox. Ha! No way, am I getting an Xbox. I thought maybe a PSP, but an Xbox? To add to the Playstation and GameCube he already has?! I'm no gamer but I believe there is no real difference between them. So seriously stressed I literally stood outside the game store at the mall waiting for a shipment that would arrive "either today or tomorrow". Calling Ray about every 30 minutes to update him on my non-progress. Poor, Ray, was at work, but he knows how important it was for me to find one. Finally, around 2:30pm he called to let me know that a store on the west side of town had "a few" left. I hustled my butt over there and got one. I was so elated, and still am I feel like throwing a party. wii! |
posted by Jenni @ 3:55 PM  |
wait wait wait..... no difference between a playstation, gamecube and xbox360???? are you on crack?
If anything there is no real difference between the gamecube and the Wii, other than the input method used and online functionality (which is really nice).
Beyond that, there are huge differences between the playstation and gamecube, and even bigger differences between them and the next gen Xbox360. pshht, that'd be like somebody telling you there is no difference between a few pairs of your shoes.
but congrats on getting the wii, that's quite an accomplishment.
I would poke fun at your geekiness, but that would take time away from my poking fun at your being fat.
Now get your butt back home, I want my magnets!
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wait wait wait..... no difference between a playstation, gamecube and xbox360???? are you on crack?
If anything there is no real difference between the gamecube and the Wii, other than the input method used and online functionality (which is really nice).
Beyond that, there are huge differences between the playstation and gamecube, and even bigger differences between them and the next gen Xbox360. pshht, that'd be like somebody telling you there is no difference between a few pairs of your shoes.
but congrats on getting the wii, that's quite an accomplishment.