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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Th dilemma regarding advising Company A that I've accepted a different offer was diverted yesterday morning. When I called I got the voicemail. It's a cop-out but I took it. Afterwards I called my golf instructor and requested that instead of attending the 1pm - 3pm Tuesday and Thursday class, I make up the time by coming in on Saturday and playing the course, and paying the regular green fees, of course. He told me that would be okay as long as I still write my paper. Whew!

I cleaned my room at Mom and Dad's house for a bit. I feel really bad because I've been spending so much time cleaning Ray's entire house, and yet I can't keep one room clean. So I tried to tidy up a bit before I had to go to work. Actually found a top I didn't want to wear anymore and gave to Jen. I have several tops in my closet that was one of those "I'm-going-out-tonight-and-need-something-new-to-wear" purchases, and those type of purchases rarely get worn again. Anyway, I'm sure there's more in my closet, somewhere.

After work hung out at Mom's until Ray got off work and I met him at his house. He went to work out and I had a uick nap, then we went out for dinner and drinks. And here is when the fun begins:

We got home after 2am this morning. I had an 8am tee time set for that make-up golf class. I attempted to wake Ray up several times until he finally got up at 7am. For awhile I thought he was going to back out. Anyway, while I was waiting for him to get ready I got laundry started. We played nine holes and I lost 2 golf balls. My game sucked. But Ray and I did have fun.

After golf Ray was sick and not feeling like he'd be able to make it to Logan's party. He stayed home and I headed to Mom's to get ready. By the time I was set to leave Ray called to say he was already on his way to Derby =D That was the best surprise of the day. Ray and I arrived at the bowling alley and it was tons of fun hanging out with the whole family and the kids.




There's no picture of it yet, but we all know Logan got his wii, and his friends went bezerk. One kid was acting like he was going to grab the wii from Logan and of course the rest followed suit. It was cute, Logan was literally backed into a wall, and for a minute I was afraid he would drop the box. I'm glad he liked it though. That's the main goal.

Soon I'll have a chance to upload the pics that I took with my digi cam, but not tonight. Did I not mention I had a full day?

After the party I finished doing the laundry I had started, washed the bedsheets and put them back on, also washed dishes. All that good stuff.

Tomorrow Ray is going to work to catch up his overtime. I will hopefully be writing my final paper, studying for an exam, a final and maybe even work on my final program. All these "finals", you think I would have some sense of relief, but no, not yet.

Monday my new job starts, and no, not nervous. Why would I be? I already know what I'm going to wear. That's the most important part right?

Besides I've got something to look forward to:

BTW, I'm in the middle of reading Utopia. I had an antique version of the book, y'know when an "s" was typed as an "f". Yeah, very confusing, this time I got a much recent version and it's still in old english but much easier read. I'll let you guys know how that works out.
posted by Jenni @ 8:37 PM  
  • At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Again, thank you for the top. I LOVE it! Haven't worn it yet but I will!

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