Saturday, July 28, 2007
I got my 4.0 GPA for the semester. And now I'm scrambling to see which of my to-do's I want to start on first knowing I only have 3 weeks before the whole school thing starts all over again.
Friday at work was not as bad. I wore a pink wife beater than Jen gave me and paired it with an old sweater vest just to make it more work appropriate. She refused to ride the elevator to see me so I was forced to beg my friend to take a pic to send to Flickr for her. She is bossy!

She also sent emails that the JCPenney pics of the boys are ordered and on their way. Fun stuff. The previews below:

After work Ray and I went to eat dinner at Carino's which is always Yummy! Then we went to watch Transformers. That was relaxing since we sort of stopped watching movies when finals came along. Now we're catching up. Transformers was the best movie to start back up with. IT WAS AWESOME! When we left the theatre and was walking towards my car, I kept wishing it would transform. And I wouldn't ask my car to transform into a newer model or a different make, that would be too much. I'd just ask it to clean itself now and then.
Anyway, currently, my plans are 1. eat, 2. laundry, 3. eat, 4. clean car, 5. nap, 6. eat, 7. pack, 8. drive to Ray's, 9. rent and watch movie, 10. eat. I think I might be getting hungry. |
posted by Jenni @ 10:44 AM  |