Thursday, November 08, 2007

After work Tuesday I went to Eli's and he had fed me fried chicken, rice, and soup. He is a sweetie. We watched Blades of Glory on DVD and I napped for like two hours. The next day I was feeling poopier and stayed at home. I was in bed for 90% of the time. I even took NyQuil at like 7pm so I could fall asleep without hacking my lungs out. I was determined to be able to go to work the next day. (You know I'm desperate when I start taking medicine, because I hate medicine, and this kind was the syrup kind. Ewl!) When I woke up this morning I thought I would brave it. I have serious expenses this month so I couldn't miss work at all. I didn't want to take the syrup DayQuil, though, so I stopped by QuikTrip and got some Sudafed tablets. I'm still procrastinating on taking them, so far, I've been able to handle sitting up at my desk. This is going to suck once I have to stand up though, I can tell already. What a day to run out of green tea.
Well, as long as I can sit up I should be good. Along with the meds, I also brought cough drops and clam chowder soup. Pray for me. |
posted by Jenni @ 9:11 AM  |