Thursday, December 27, 2007
There's really not a lot to blog about. I'm just sitting, bored at work. I'm in this new queu that is strictly support for this interface that the company has been trying to sell since it was introduced. Most of the people here at work hate it, I believe mainly because the graphic intense interface makes the software run much slower. As well, most of the clients are well established and set in their ways so they tend to stick to the old interface. So here I sit, supporting every imaginable product but only in this one interface, so the calls have been minimal. (Not to mention most of the clients are probably on holiday.) I could continue writing articles, but I was told I was only dedicated to writing on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. So, I'm going to opt taking it easy today.
I've been consistently checking UPS online to track my brand new toy. I'm very excited. It's my way of bribing myself into my New Year's Resolution. A grown up toy for grown up people. It's my splurge. After this, grown up purchases only. For example, a new timing belt that I really desperately need now, but I'm hoping Goldie (my car) can push through until tax refund time. Only two more months. Right now, I'm just trying to keep the driving to minimal. Basically, I'm not planning on seeing Becky in Memphis anytime soon. But I am going to see if I can swing going to Memphis again in May. We'll see.
I also had this fantastic idea of having Daily Resolutions. Like today, my daily resolution was to relax. I have a couple movies arriving today from NetFlix. Instead of accepting a friend's offer to go out tonight, I'm going to stay in and watch my movies. I'm sure I can watch both tonight and have them ready to send out for tomorrow. That means two more movies by Saturday. I do them two at a time because it's actually the disc set of Felicity. So since I'm only allowed three at a time, I keep the last CD, in case I need to recap of the previous episode before starting the new CD. It's a pretty good system, I think.
Now that I put everything on paper, it seems like I've resolved to have a boring life. Really though, even if I never did anything else for the rest of my life, things just happen. Sometimes for no reason. Take yesterday for example. I was at work busy fixing articles other people had written. I get an IM from a coworker asking if I want to have coffee sometime. Kind of took me by surprise, and I'm still not sure what to think/do about it. Also around evening time I get a text message from a number not in my contact list, and it's a previous coworker saying "Hey everyone this is _ I'm out of jail now and this is my new number." That was a huge surprise, and actually pretty effing hilarious. I didn't hang out with this guy much, nor were we close friends, so I thought I was allowed to laugh. Then I find out that my new Filipino friend is actually my parents friends' son. And that he has given my parents dance instructions already. That was a bit awkward. I told him we couldn't be friends anymore. (I was joking of course.) So that was all in one day, and I didn't even do anything to provoke any of those. Things just happen.
Now tonight, I'm staying in. We'll see what comes my way then. |
posted by Jenni @ 12:48 PM  |