Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I've been quite busy and had had no time to blog lately. For the past couple of days I had a girl sitting with me since she just got out of training and doesn't have her desk set up yet. That was actually fun. Thank goodness I got to sit with someone I didn't want to kill after 5 minutes. We actually went to lunch yesterday with a couple more of our coworkers to Ajua. (The Mexican restaurant up the street.) The food there is AMAZING! And I don't even like Mexican food.
Anyway, today I'm editing articles written by other people. I take great care in making sure the solutions I'm writing are the actual best answer for whatever questions I've linked them to, so it completely irks me when I see carelessness or, much worse, complete disinterest in someone's work. I had to take a break, hence the blog.
All in all, though, this week has not been bad. I watched Enchanted on Sunday. It was surprisingly good. I cried. I also got to watch 24th Day which is really intense. Then last night I got to watch XXX: State of the Union and Duets. Those two were from NetFlix. I signed up for the 14 day trial period hoping to watch movies mostly online, but their selection is still pretty small so I think I'll be cancelliing that before my 14 day is up. Kinda sucks, but I still have my website to watch my free online movies at so I'm not all that bummed. Oh, yeah, I've been on a movie kick.
As well, since classes are done for the rest of the year. I'm reading Noli Me Tangere. Or trying to. I don't get a lot of time in between everything else I'm trying to cram into this mini vaca from school but I'm trying really hard.
Anyway, for the rest of the week, my schedule goes as follows:
Wednesday, Dec.19
- Work 8am - 5pm.
- Dinner and drinks with Carla 7:45pm - whenever.
Thursday, Dec. 20
- Work 8am - 5pm.
- Out to the Anchor with Eli and friends 9ish.
Friday, Dec. 21
- Work 8am - 5pm. (Food and Gift Exchange Day.)
- Make last minute gift purchases.
Saturday, Dec. 22
- Surphace and Alien8 show 8pm.
That's all tentative of course, so don't hold me liable for any plans that are changed.
Okay, let me try to go back the frustrating tasks of fixing other people's mistakes. Ugh! |
posted by Jenni @ 10:45 AM  |
I hope I NEVER have to work for you. Pressure. . .pressure. :)
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I hope I NEVER have to work for you. Pressure. . .pressure. :)