Tuesday, September 26, 2006
You've Experienced 64% of Life

You have all of the life experience that most adults will ever get.
And unless you're already in your 40s, you're probably wise beyond your years.
No I am not close to being 40, but I still don't think I've done half of what Life's got in store. As well, I will be the first to admit that I am far from being "wise beyond (my) years." C'mon now, seriously?
Maybe someday I can say I've seen all seven wonders of the world, or all the still hidden villages in every country. Maybe someday I can afford to be a true vagabond. Then maybe I can say I've experience 50% of Life, and even then THAT will be a big maybe.
For now, I iron my clothes little by little attempting to organize my closet. I sit and bug my son while he watches TV after work every day. I do homework, blog, and keep email correspondences simultaneously. I set my alarm before I go to bed every night, and create a mental to-do list for the next day. Then I go to work and start the whole process all over again. I sure hope that is not 64% of what Life has to offer, and I hope that when I am 40 years old I'll be doing more exciting things. (Well, maybe I'll still bug Logan while he watches TV, I think that will always be funny.) |
posted by Jenni @ 7:02 PM  |