Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Worked for four hours. Quite hectic trying to get today's work done, and catching up with people that were part of yesterday's work calling back today, (because they don't work around my schedule.) Left around noon, ate lunch, went to Golf class. Golf class we covered the "bump and run". Sounds like a past time enjoyed mostly by frat boys but what do I know. After Golf was Programming. We learned about Fabonacci trying to formulate a spiral move to animate a character with. Yay? Had almost an hour after Programming to study for my Spanish vocab test. Got 100%. Woohoo! And that's it.
I had to download OpenOffice tonight because one of my classmates in Spanish had to miss class and asked me to take notes for her. I had to type up the notes and attach it to email to send. Unfortunately, I didn't purchase Microsoft Office with the laptop. Well, not really unfortunately, it was a $150 option, OpenOffice is free, and it's the same if not better, so maybe I lucked out.
Anyway, I thought since I stayed up to type my notes up, and Ching seems very excited about reviewing her Spanish skills I'd share tonight's lesson.
(Reflexive verbs) Despertarse (ie) - to wake up Levantarse - to get up Estirarse - to stretch Lavarse - to wash Ducharse - to shower Cepillarse - to brush Afeitarse - to shave Peinarse - to comb one's hair Sentarse - to sit down Vestirse - to get dressed Maquillarse - to put on make-up Secarse - to dry one's self Quitarse la ropa - to take off one's clothes Acostarse (ue) - to go to bed Arreglarse - to fix oneself up Banarse - to bathe Divertise (ie) - to have fun Dormirse (ue) - to fall asleep Ponerse - to put on Verse - to look at one's self
Reflexive pronouns: Me Te Se Nos Se
To conjugate in present tense: example: Lavarse
Me lavo Te lavas Se lava Nos lavamos Se lavan
To conjugate in present progressive:
Estoy lavandome Estas lavandote Esta lavandose Estamos lavandonos Estan lavandose
To conjugate in the infinitive verb form:
Voy a laverme Vas a lavarte Va a lavarse Vamos a lavarnos Van a lavarse
Note: I didn't include any conjugations in the Vosotros form. Apparently they are no longer being used.
Hope that was fun for everyone, or atleast for Ching. Going night, night. Night! |
posted by Jenni @ 11:29 PM |