Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I'm in the midst of training in my new job and finals week. Everything is hectic. No time! I still have pics to upload from Logan's birthday, but a couple minutes to steal pics from Jen's site, just the ones of me and Logan, and me and Ray, from Logan's birthday party. I'll steal the rest later.

posted by Jenni @ 7:36 AM  |
I look fat is this pic...almost as fat as E. But you look great babe.
You're crazy! You look sexy!
no, I would say you look thinner than me.
Hey Jenni. Do you like Kilbasa, sour kraut and jasmin rice. I want to bring that Friday for us if you'll eat it. Interested?
You NEED to upgrade back to what you had. Was SO much easier to get a hold of you during the day!
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I look fat is this pic...almost as fat as E. But you look great babe.