I finally get a little room to breathe and this is what I'm doing...catching up the blog. (And adding MySpace friends because I just got b*tched at that I haven't added my coworker who requested to be added since Tuesday.) Sorry, to everyone, I have been really busy.
Finally, uploading pics from my digi cam I found Logan's last baseball practice I attended which was on May 31st. Unfortunately, due to my summer class schedule I was unable to go to any other ones after that. I haven't discussed with the "coach" their schedule yet but hopefully with this semester winding down I can still catch a couple. Anyway here are some pics and a video.
Wow! That kid cannot stand still for more than 3 seconds, he must be my boy!
After those files, the next were of his birthday party last weekend, July 14th. Only a couple pictures, it was such a fun day I actually didn't feel like standing in the background flashing my camera instead of just joining in.
Just for kicks, and to throw everything out of sync, here's a pic Jen took of Logan and I on the actual day of his birthday, July 13th, which I really really like. A framed 8 x 10 of this picture would be really appreciated (hint-hint).
So after the most hectic month of my life coming to a close, with only one final project and one final exam left to go, I come home to unwind. How is that done, you ask? By getting beat by your 7 year old son in every imaginable game.
He's pretty good, that game is hard. I think I sprained my wrist a little even =D
Anyway, my schedule hasn't eased up any so please be patient. I'm rarely checking email anymore, (MySpace is not even existent to me right now except for that one coworker, because I promised), I don't ever have time to blog, but I do really try to as much as possible. Give me one more week and I'll be getting back in touch with everyone soon.
This weekend is all about studying, laundry, and errands. Yeah, I've got another tee time set for tomorrow morning, but that's school related. It's not like I'm enjoying every minute of it =D
Okay, I'm going to try to keep myself on track and study for as long as I can. If, however, you chance to see me at a bar somewhere, don't ask. Just now, the devil made me do it.
Ok, so you ruined your own suprise. I got you a picture of that one with you and Logan BUT it's not an 8 x 10. It's a 5x7. You know, you can go to walmart and upload pictures and order them yourself (hint hint) I got you a couple others, too, for your desk ;)
Bad Jenni...you lied...and you don't have fun playing golf with me?? I guess I'll just meet you tomorrow and then you can be rid of me.