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Saturday, August 11, 2007

I actually have been feeling ill recently. It might have some to do with stress, some to do with the recent heat, or some to do with my new 3000 calorie diet. The diet theory came to me just now. I think I've been conditioning my body to accept so much calories that now it throws a fit if I miss a snack time here and there. Of course, changing your daily intake of anything will always affect your body, so I probably should have already considered this. Ugh!

Thursday night I was so fatigued I actually fell asleep early. That's surprising considering I have a real problem falling asleep. Hence the blogging at 1:45am.

After work today, I had a major migraine. It was already brewing at 4pm but I decided it was only due to my eyes being tired of wearing contacts all day, and that taking my contacts off after work and getting a brief nap would fix it. Not so. It was so bad I actually took two Excedrines. Yeah! I took medicine! Icky! That shows you how desperate I was. Even after that, it took another hour and a half nap to get me going. I'm still a bit nauseous, but atleast the hammering head ache is gone.

I wet to the Anchor for a bit to NOT watch a band with Eli and Chuck. The opening act played the guitar but didn't sing, and the headliners played LOUDLY but didn't sing either. No wonder it was only a two dollar cover. We were missing half of the show. Anyway, Nickel Creek came to mind but Eli and Chuck thought I was talking about Nickel Back and I was severely disappointed. Mostly because Eli has been such a long time stalker that he should have already seen some of the music video clips on my website several times. So again, here is Nickel Creek. I'm posting two songs to permanently engrave them on everyone's minds. (And, yes, Nickel Creek is Bluegrass, that's what I mostly listen to. Country, Folk, Bluegrass, Twee Pop and mostly everything else that false in between.)

The Smoothie Song: No lyrics (I got a no singing "song" because it seems Eli and Chuck are into that.)

When in Rome: Lyrics below - my favorite Nickel Creek song to date.

"When In Rome"

Where can a sick man go
When he can't choke down the medicine the old doc knows
A specialist came to town, but he stays at home
Sayin', "No one knows, so I don't"
Honey, when in Rome

Where can a teacher go
Wherever she thinks people need the things she knows
Hey those books you gave us look good on the shelves at home
And they'll burn warm in the fireplace
Teacher, when in Rome

Grab a blanket, sister
We'll make smoke signals
Bring some new blood
It feels like we're alone

Grab a blanket, brother
So we don't catch cold
From one another
I wonder if we're stuck in Rome

Where can a dead man go
The question with an answer only dead men know
But I'm gonna bet they never really feel at home
If they spent a lifetime learning
How to live in Rome

BTW, I saw this posted at the courtyard at work and I've been meaning to post it. It was hilarious at the time.

That's it, I'm gonna try to sleep now. Tomorrow is the Potluck Pool Party with my coworkers so I have a lot to take care of in the morning. Must...not...flake! Night!
posted by Jenni @ 1:40 AM  
  • At 2:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ok, so when you said they were bluegrass, I remembered exactly who you were talking about being a long time stalker..... scratch that...... friend, I remember this shit, and remember how fucking horrible it is.

    And by the way "When in Rome" is an 80's song, and the original is 100 times better than this crap bluegrass song with the same name. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVAcAq3MSMY

    Now I've got to cleanse myself in the warm glory of Indie music to wash out that bluegrass crap. :D kthxbi

  • At 2:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    to clarify my earlier comment, 'When in Rome' is the band.... not the song "The Promise" was their big hit in America, and it was fantastic.

  • At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah, pregnancy does make you feel sick.


  • At 7:39 PM, Blogger Jenni said…


    Hmmm...pregnancy. An excuse to be pampered and a great way to start gaining some weight. Good idea! Now all I need is a donor...

  • At 7:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    lulz, you're preggo.

  • At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A RICH donor would be even better.

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