Friday, November 09, 2007
I'm still hacking my lungs out but atleast the dizziness has somewhat subsided. I'm looking forward to resting this weekend. I need to catch up on my reading, eating, watching TV and sleeping. Basically, a weekend of nothingness. Well, atleast that's the plan. Somehow I always find myself out at the bars though, but this weekend I'm going to try really hard not to go out. I'm struggling already.
I'm trying to stay in until my birthday celebration. That's going to be last hoorah into being settled down, (or so I'm hoping.) I'm planning a big blowout for my birthday. I've already invited a handful of friends to go out with me on the 23rd for dinner and drinks. If you think you want to join us please RSVP, there's a headcount that's needed by noon tomorrow since we do have to rent space out. If you don't think you'll be available by 8pm that day, no worries, just show up after dinner. Anyway, after that night I'm going to try to minimize going out, because it's time.
Oh, and as an update, I was watching TV last night and managed to surf into this TV show called "Man vs Wild". It's a little disgusting but the guy in it is totally hot. Now, I'm not saying I want to date someone that eats live fish on a regular basis, or anything, but having a bit of survival skills is very attractive. Lord knows, I've met enough pampered spoiled man babies to last me 10 lifetimes. Anyway, a picture for your viewing pleasure.

And when I checked my email this morning, Mrs. Becky Bills just informed me of another kicking concert in Memphis next month. Ah! It is actually on a Friday though so that's going to be harder to swing since that means I have to be off for that Thursday if I want to make the drive. What to do? What to do? And she did also strategically mention that the venue is at a casino. Sneaky! Well, I guess I should see what December has in store for me first. So more on that later.
Well, I'm off to break. Hasta pronto! |
posted by Jenni @ 10:36 AM  |
You really should see someone about your sars.
Did I never tell you before that there's casinos here? I was poking around a bit more online & that concert is 21 & over because it's at the casino. No obnoxiously angst teenagers!
no, that guy's a muppet, at night when he is supposedly 'braving the wild' he's actually at a hotel, getting a good nights sleep and a shower. He also has a camera crew following him around.
In terms of pure hardcoredness, survivorman is much more hardcore, he actually stays in the wild, he has no camera crew, it is him alone. and in every scene, he is just on the brink of death.
but I know those are not what you're looking for, so man vs wild is probably a better bet for you.
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You really should see someone about your sars.
Did I never tell you before that there's casinos here? I was poking around a bit more online & that concert is 21 & over because it's at the casino. No obnoxiously angst teenagers!