Friday, December 28, 2007
I love days when I'm dedicated to writing articles. Why? Because I get to put my headphones on and, basically, rock out and forget that I'm at work. I should get a job where all I do is write. Whether it's technical writing or writing for Cosmo. All I want to do is sit at home, at coffe shop, at a park, in a plane or anywhere except between cubicle walls. I'll write, rock out, and email my work. That's the ultimate dream.
Speaking of coffee shops, I'm a bit nostalgic for the days when I would sit at the perk, and do absolutely nothing. Perhaps it's been brought on by my updating my journal (finally after three months) since that's what I use to do while drinking coffee, update my journal and write poems. Or maybe because after a long time of drinking green tea I broke down this morning and actually fixed myself a cup of coffee to go. Either way, I miss those days. Maybe I'll go again, but drink green tea this time.
Last night was not what I had planned but close enough. Before leaving work Jennifer IMed me and requested that instead of her picking Logan up from Mom's that I just drop him off at their house since she was running late. I can't pass that up. One - that guarantees that I get to see Logan, (usually I'm the one getting home late and they are already gone or leaving by the time I get home.) Two - as an added bonus for driving to their house I also get to see Eli. It was a pretty sweet deal. Then Ching and Brian invited me to eat dinner with them at the new Tokyo in Derby. So, technically, I didn't stay home, but I was home early enough to enjoy part of my movies, and now I have enough to last me the weekend.
Tokyo was actually funny. Ching kept asking me to write a review for Foodies, but the way I am, I'm not as interested in the food, I was reviewing the quirks of the people around us. So here is the review:
Arriving at Tokyo, and realizing that my sister had not made reservations, I started making a mental calculations of how long we would be waiting based on how many people were sitting and eating, how far along they were at eating, and how many people were standing around waiting for a table.
As we waited I noticed I really pissy looking hostess. She was short and thick, and had those faces you just immediately want to slap. No clue why. Then beside her, another hostess, this one super tall and super skinny, and her mannerism kinda made you feel like she'd been picked on for most of her life. I couldn't help but watch them really, because as the people piled in at the waiting area their attitudes started really showing. The skinny one kept looking at the seating chart, looking around, looking back at the seating chart and periodically she kept putting her elbows up on the table and burrying her face in her hands. I think she was trying not to make eye contact with the patrons, now growing impatient, and all watching both of them to see who was going to be seated next and when. The pudgy one kept walking from the back of the restaurant and back to the hostess table, and she was carrying this air of importance that you could tell didn't belong to her. I guess, Brian overheard an argument between the two of them on whether to seat people on the empty tables or wait for thsoe that actually made reservations. In the long run, skinny chick won.
When we got seated, Ching started getting really concerned about whether they served sushi or not. I'm not sure why, because she didn't want to order sushi, but she was really concerned. And she also started jotting bits of information about the night, I think for her review. Like she would have a really hard time recollecting the night or the food if she decided to sleep before writing about it. So she sat there looking around for a sushi bar, and jotting things down on an Inspector Gadget looking notepad. And then when the hibachi chef came by, the show really started. Not because he was anything different than all the other hibachi chefs we've seen, but because Ching was really into interacting with him. In a fairly somber table, she was trying to out-joke the guy whose job it was to make jokes. I think this happens because she rarely drinks, and my theory is that your body has to expel weirdness and absurdity. Usually people that drink have an outlet, but with Ching you just get it randomly, whenever her body feels it has to expel these things to make more room.
Either way it was a great meal, but for my money, I still prefer Kobe's.
I told you guys in the previous blog. It doesn't matter what I do. Things happen. I can't have a boring life. Life in itself is entertainment enough.
Anyway, I've got tons to do today. Aside from work, I also have to find time to stop by the bank and get enough cash to last me the weekend. (My debit card broke in half, and I'm still waiting for the replacement.) I also have a check to deposit, so two birds with one stone. My toy arrived in town this morning and was out for delivery by 7:33am this morning. I'm excited but won't have much time to tinker with it since I've made some plans tonight and tomorrow night already. But either way I've got plenty to keep me busy for awhile.
Before I forget, today's Day Resolution - right a to do list for the day, and actually do everything on that list. |
posted by Jenni @ 9:47 AM  |
Ahhh, that was funny :) I liked the Inspector Gadget comment. You're so mean to your big sister :)
Hey if you go to the Perk, shoot a wheat grass for me!!!
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Ahhh, that was funny :) I liked the Inspector Gadget comment. You're so mean to your big sister :)
Hey if you go to the Perk, shoot a wheat grass for me!!!