Friday, October 13, 2006
Maybe I've mentioned this already and maybe I haven't - really would rather not have to go check - Ray and I are going to go shopping tomorrow for his birthday present. If you can give me credit for the thought, I decided to get him a watch for his birthday since he never wears one and he deserves a really nice flashy one. I'm very big on being flashy if you haven't noticed. Anyway he bought me a Bulova for our second year anniversary and I thought this time I'll return the favor. Of course it's not a Bulova, I picked a manlier brand. So far, we're considering the Seikos, and we're down to two options...so far.

Tomorrow he'll see them face to face for the first time. I myself have been all over all the jewelry stores trying to find The One. Even went to Powell Jewelry in Derby. We liked the Le Grand Sport Alarm Chronograph first, then after a short visit to Zales I found the Coutura Kinetic Chronograph and it was just the coolest thing since sliced bread. So tomorrow we either buy one of those watches or we decide on a different watch altogether.
For other news - school is slow but steady, work is busy and hectic but the money is good, sleep has been rare, my closet I just noticed is overflowing, and I have accumulated tons of jewelry and no jewelry box to put them in. The weather is getting colder, people around me are getting crazier/creepier, and I'm feeling closer to normal more and more each day. Oh, happy days! |
posted by Jenni @ 11:27 PM  |