Sunday, October 08, 2006
This is going to be a fairly short recap of last week since I've tons to do. Okay, well, I'll try to make it a short recap, but I type as fast as I talk, and I talk a lot. So here goes.
All week Ray was stressing out about his midterm so he was studying non stop. So for most of the week I'd been hanging out with Becky, Wayne, and Jacob. Here are a couple of pictures. The first one is of me messing around in Becky's apartment. There's a partition between the entryway and the kitchen that I love climbing into. I'm like a little monkey =P

Friday night Ray took me to PF Chang's for dinner. We actually got seated on time this time and dinner was excellent as always. After dinner we met Becky, Wayne, Arin, and Arin's friends at The Pumphouse to celebrate Arin's birthday. It was pretty fun for a bit, then Ray and I decided to head over to Liquid and stayed there for the rest of the night. Anyway, a picture of Wayne and Becky and a picture of my baby...

Saturday Ray and his dad are at it again getting the backyard ready for the hot tub. The electrician's already been by so we have a breaker for it out back now. Everything's coming together. And while they were doing all that bone breaking work I went to Cinnamon's Deli, and then the mall with Becky and Wayne. We even stopped at Smoothie King to get me a Mango-Orange-Pineapple drink. After all the walking we went back to Becky's apartment and watched the Dane Cook dvd Wayne brought. It was HILARIOUS!
This afternoon as previously mentioned is Mom's Birthday Lunch Shindig, and I am going to go early to help prepare. Buh-bye! |
posted by Jenni @ 8:32 AM  |
Why do I look scary in both of those pics?
You do not look scary...go away!
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Why do I look scary in both of those pics?