Sunday, October 01, 2006
Hmmm...where to start? Friday flew by at work. Aside from it being payday, I also only technically worked until 11am. The Wichita Corporate Challenge event was not until 1pm but I didn't wear my Transforming Wichita shirt and they told me it was a requirement so I left early to drive back to the west side and get changed. Good thing too, while trying to get out of the parking garage at work I spilled Sprite all over myself. I was gross and icky the whole drive home.
Bowling was fun, though I am definitely paying the price with sore muscles. I guess that's what I get for insisting the Ching's 13lb ball is not that different from my missing 12lb one. Ouch! I bowled pretty well though after the first game. The first game I only bowled an 80, but I got a 150 and 134, respectively, I think after I got used to the ball and figured out I was throwing more to the left to compensate for the weight. Anyway, our division consisted of The City of Wichita (us), LSI Logic, Cargill, Coleman, and VCHS. We beat Cargill (who we actually bowled next to) and VCHS but only came out 3rd out of 5 teams. Well, not too bad I guess, especially since we were on the clock the whole time. Becky also came to cheer me on. Well, actually she made it in time to see the first game and was hounding me on why I wasn't doing better. Thanks, Becky. We took few pics since we were really more interested with Michelle's baby who also came to watch. Bob is in a pic all by himself and we didn't get a picture of Mitch =( We tried though. Maybe we'll take better pictures during the Awards Party, which should be held mid-October.

After bowling Becky and I tried to locate the WCC kick-off party at Collegiate but ended up being an hour early so we headed to Derby and hung out with Mom and Logan. Logan showed off his chair obstacle skills, and told us about his new girlfriend(s). Atta boy! When Becky and I returned to Wichita the kick-off party was already well underway that the entire place was packed so we decided to skip it all together.
When I finally got home Ray showed off his highly anticipated new trees. These cost a butt-load but well worth the money. They are indoor tropical plants, actually supplied to him by the same people that supply his office with plants. So we know that they will thrive with little sunlight. I also like how the planters match the rest of the furniture. I am definitely impressed and will try not to touch these lest I kill another generation of plants.

For dinner I took Ray out to Abuelo's to pay him back for all the times he's taken me to PF Chang's. We got Chili con Queso for the appetizer, I had Pork Loin Chops as my entree and he had the Steak Chimichanga. Big healthy portions we actually had leftovers. The highlight of the dinner was the drinks. I had the usual Sangria, but Ray went all out with his 25 oz top shelf margarita. This thing was huge! We had to take a picture.

Anyway, he said that the night was worth having to take me to PF Chang's 20 times in a row. And that's good because 20 times in a row is not an exaggeration =D
Saturday Ray had made plans with his dad to do some work in the backyard. They are getting it ready for the hot tub Ray ordered a week or so ago. The backyard as well is coming together. The fence is already all put up. It looks like what it's worth, which is good. I also like the iron gate, which I didn't expect. I think it adds a classy touch to the boring wood look. (Yeah, leave it to me to think the cedar fences shouldn't look too woody.) Anyway, here are some pics.

So finally there's some privacy in the backyard, which will come in handy when the tub gets delivered. Ray was going to just place it right in front of the sliding door but when he upgraded to get the next size up decided it best to place it beside the patio. Much better location, I think. So far here's a pic of the mess Ray made with his Dad.

So while Ray and his dad was busy digging up the yard, I accomplished tons of stuff, like...I went to deposit my student loan check. I wrote Mom a check for the last three months of car payments I've missed (and told her that's her birthday present =P) I went to Becky's work, whined about not having my contacts yet and made her adjust my glasses. I stopped by Ching's to give her back her bowling ball and "stole" some more high dollar clothes from her. Then I drove to Derby did some laundry and while the laundry was in the wash I cleaned out my car. Transferred laundry to dryer and drove to WalMart to get my oil changed. Got back home, put away my clothes, took a quick nap, and then met Becky at the mall. I bought Ray some little "presents", got Mom her real birthday present, and bought myself a new belly button ring. Yay! Becky and I looked at some rings as well. You know the bride-to-be was all over Zales trying them all on. I kept thinking, please don't forget to give that back. That Larceny A and that is a felony. Hahahahahahahaha! I also looked around for the watch Ray liked. I think we finally settled on one so we'll see.
Before I left I got dinner from Fusia. Ray and I had an early night since we were both tired pretty early. He was sore from all the hard labor and I was beat from all the walking in the mall.
This morning we got up and went grocery shopping. That's been it so far, aside from me finally getting my nails done - which they have to be done at least once a week or I get sour. I also bought some much-needed socks, and a new magazine. We had pizza for lunch and as I blog Ray is outside with his dad looking into his truck. I noticed this morning it was leaking something so now they are trying to figure out what that "something" is.
Oh, btw, with my birthday coming up, and the fact that I have everything I can possibly want, I would like to request special things done for my car. So if interested email me and I'll assign you a "present" to do. For example, I need my car shampooed, you yourself don't have to shampoo it, but I would accept a gift certificate to get it cleaned. Also, I want the chips on my windshield fixed, and my cd player is broken, so on and so forth. It's very practical, I know, and I'm actually very proud of myself but there's a great motivation to this madness. Currently, my car is still worth at least 3k more than what I paid for it, and I'm trying to keep it that way so by the time I get it all paid off I can trade it in for close to that value. It's a great cause so please get involved. =D
Well, that's it for today. I hear the garage door closing which means Ray and his dad are done tinkering outside. Probably not a whole lot more that can happen tonight, so catch me again tomorrow. Ciao! |
posted by Jenni @ 2:48 PM  |