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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Today I got the sweetest morning text from Ray. He's been sending me texts when he goes to work since I leave while he's still in bed. I ate lunch with him and Anthony for the second day in the row which is always nice. Today we went to Old Chicago. Since my lunch breaks are way shorter, Ray usually orders my food before I even leave the office. Of course, I can't do that every day since the time restriction becomes too stressful, and I know the guys need some time to be alone with their manly thoughts now and then. Anthony is awesome though, he's my favorite of all Ray's friends because he says it like it is, even if it's to my disadvantage =P

I also had a fairly successful day at work. I do believe I accomplished a lot and am definitely a lot more confident with my cases. We also had a pep rally for the corporate challenge being held this weekend. I'm in the bowling team =D I worked a couple more hours of overtime and headed to Ching and Brian's to borrow Ching's bowling ball. (I guess my bowling ball was accidentally donated off during Mom and Dad's move. No biggie, I haven't been bowling much anyway.)

While I was at the east side I stopped off at Becky's apartment and watched Ugly Betty premiere. I LOVE this new show. You always know I love something when I YouTube it.

I will definitely try not to miss any of the episodes. Becky says it's just like the movie "The Devil Wears Prada." Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to catch that movie so I will definitely have to place that DVD on my wish list.

Tomorrow should be a fairly non-stressing day. I work from 6:30am to 12:00pm and then bowl for the corporate challenge from 1pm to 3pm. Then Ray's surprise dinner and maybe some more Megatouch marathons.

Life is getting better and better. I guess the only left to hope for is being able to wear jeans to work tomorrow =P
posted by Jenni @ 8:51 PM  
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