Wednesday, December 27, 2006
The night before was a complete disaster. Everything started out fine hanging out with BobbyJ and his buddies, and then it went downhill. I'd like to take the time to apologize to everyone I called and woke up, and thank everyone that woke up and chatted with me. Thanks, guys! I want to thank everyone at work too, for being so understanding, and for being very supportive.
Actually I left work early last night, feeling like complete crap. Adam met me at the Old Chicago downtown and ate dinner with me. Seems like his Christmas was spoiled just like mine. So we sat and laughed about it all, and mainly tried to distract each other from both our griefs and talked about Duke, Adam's puppy. Well, I guess not really a puppy anymore. It was great getting to hang out with him again. Felt like we jumped from June to December and everything else in the middle never happened. Either way, Adam is planning on moving to new place and was preparing for a new job he's starting on the 2nd day of the new year, so we didn't stay out late at all. I didn't want to impose on him, but since I didn't feel like going home quite yet I called Eli up to chill with him.
Eli is always chill. Especially since he's been through most of my crap, he knows best how to handle me. Well, except for the laughing at me part. We watched a samurai movie. I forget what it's called. It had some cool sword fighting scenes, but got really bizarre when they tried to squeeze musicals in between. Crazy Asian people! I stayed awake through all of that and then some of the Supersize Me movie. I'm not quite sure what time I actually ended up sleeping, but I had a great sleep, kinda. =D Oh, and before I go piss him off - Thank you Eli for always being there for me.
Now, for the kicker. Remember the magnet from New York that he was holding hostage. Well, he saw me eyeing it while I was laying down so he got up to get it and put it in his pocket. This morning while he was in the shower I tried to search his room for his jeans, I found one pair on the floor, but no magnet. Ugh! So I did a Plan B. I took the other New York magnet from his fridge. Yay me! That's what you get. I freed the magnet. Magnet and I took a little side trip on the way home this morning and here's a picture of New York in Kansas.

Although I do like the other magnet much better. So, I would be more than willing to trade for the magnet that was initially meant for me. Fair is fair though, I already won, so I shouldn't have to steal the other one.
Anyway, thanks again for everyone that was there for me during my 12 hour drama. Everyone kept saying give it time, and I was pouting and thinking I'm not that patient. A month tops and I'm giving up. Well, I guess it didn't even have to last most of this week. |
posted by Jenni @ 9:34 AM  |