Monday, December 25, 2006
Last night was very fun. I think I got back home around 3pm or 4pm and lounged around until Ching and Brian got in at 6pm then started getting ready. By 7pm, Mom and Dad had already gotten back from picking up our food from Macaroni Grill. (No one in the house likes to cook.) We started eating and then played poker. Dad is really really good. He took Mom, Brian and me out. But of course, Ching is still better. Good thing they didn't bet the house.
Matt, Jennifer, Logan and Eli arrived just in time for opening presents. Logan got tons of cool stuff. I got tons of cool stuff. Everybody was happy. I haven't taken pictures of my presents because I've been exhausted from everything but I meant to. Ching got me this cool keychain with a Logan tag, (you'll have to see it,) and a really pretty compact mirror, (you'll really really have to see it.) Anyway, Logan played with all his toys while the grown ups ate dessert. We put the stickers on his new F16 which hopefully he can learn to fly with Lolo during winter break.

When everybody started packing up I left to go downtown. Downtown was almost all closed up except for Finns. I only meant to stay for one drink, (that's how every story starts,) but ended up staying until 2am. There's a ton more to that but I can't share because I don't feel like blogging all day.
Anyway I broke up the blog into three different ones because I like things being in order and I had to upload pictures that I've promised people. And people, I'm sorry it's all so late, really it's been hectic. |
posted by Jenni @ 1:28 PM  |
whoah, you lie.... I never came over!
You are a dill hole! Did you post this while I was sleeping on the floor? And that whole thing about Matt's kid being named after you is an old joke already, give it up!
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whoah, you lie.... I never came over!