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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Me, Friday, already knowing I'm going to have an awkard night out.

I had the most not-awesome Friday, followed by a very why-me Saturday, which will most likely lead the I-quit Sunday.

I had a piss poor (no need to sugar-coat it) Friday morning, the worst migraine and loads of school work. The day starts picking up after I got up, started getting some actual work done, and Mom taking me lunch at Hana Cafe. Awesome.

After all of that, I decide to meet my coworkers at Brickyard, for what would have been our Friday night routine. At this point, I'm going to have to say, no more. Regardless of whatever drama they might have going on with each other, I can honestly say that I've always tried to be a good friend/supporter. On this night, I needed one of them to be that for me. To my dismay, none were qualified. They started dropping off like flies, leaving me with one part friends of theirs which I didn't want to see that night, and one part "friends" we all just met that night. Really the whole catastrophe in itself is too heinous to even write about. The worst part - being propositioned by SOME guy with his belt unbuckled, pants unbuttoned, and drunk enough to get turned away from a bar. If I wasn't as brazen I would have probably ran and cried. Regardless, that was my signal to say goodnight to downtown.

Of course, that led me to an all too familiar scene. Friends and family can knowingly shake their heads at this point and just keep reading without further explanation. And they would expect me to say, it was not at all bad, and I have only few regrets. Blah, blah, blah. (Eli, if you bug me with annoying questions, or remarks, I will kill you.)

Herego, I got home at about noon the next day, ate, watched TV and napped until 4pm. I got texts and phone calls, which I really was a little too disappointed to respond to. I tried to do more school work, like good little girls do, and left for downtown at about 10pm. This time I went by myself to bask in solitude, knowing there would be no one to have to take care of, or watch out for, and try to ditch. Yay, God.

I did meet up with Phil and his friend at Old Chicago after an hour at Finns. We sat, and enjoyed good food and good conversation. A much needed mellowing after what would soon be referred to as the Friday I almost got mollested. Tomorrow, I will try to erase all of this weekend by drowning myself in more school work, and maybe tempt myself with a trip to the Perk. Oh, and if someone could remind me, I also need to go grocery shopping and do laundry.

posted by Jenni @ 2:42 AM  
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