Monday, November 12, 2007
Tried to go to bed and nap after work Friday night, then Katie called. She woke me up and we met at Finn's. Very fun! Saw tons of friends, plus on old flame. *Sigh!* Anyway, Katie and I managed to end up at Heroes and then back to Finns before finally ending the night.
Saturday I tried to stay indoors, atleast during the day. I got to watch License to Wed. I ate most of the day, which is always good. I felt like a pampered princess. By the end of the night I also got to watch Dan In Real Life, which was not as funny as I expected it to be. So now, I'm in this kick of watching movies again. Woohoo! Watching movies is only fun with certain people anyway.
Sunday night I went out with D, Apple and Andrew. Just for a couple hours to play pool, and relax with drinks. I managed to get home by 10:30pm so not a bad night.
Currently back at work, I just wanted to update the blog for a bit, before getting back to work mode. As an added Monday bonus, I guess what Jennifer is giving me for my birthday and am negotiating getting it early. I'm so excited. It's going to be awesome! I will post pictures once they are securely in my grasp. |
posted by Jenni @ 2:42 PM  |
Your gifts are in the Jeep and will be in your office on your desk'pronto' tomorrow AM :)
Jenni is bewitching and lured her presents out of me. I have yet to figure out and master her technique. It seems Logan's got the gift too, though, so, the world is screwed.
Glad you're feeling better !!!!
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Your gifts are in the Jeep and will be in your office on your desk'pronto' tomorrow AM :)
Jenni is bewitching and lured her presents out of me. I have yet to figure out and master her technique. It seems Logan's got the gift too, though, so, the world is screwed.
Glad you're feeling better !!!!