Monday, December 31, 2007
I'm awake WAY to effing early. This has been going on for some time. Since I've been going to bed fairly early as well. This morning was a bit of an exception because I couldn't just go back to sleep. I got 3 text messages around 1:45am from an unknown number. Well, I have the number but no name. Since I just got a new phone there are no numbers in it yet, except the ones I memorized. So I called the number at 4:something a.m. and thought if I could hear the voicemail greeting I can figure it out. No such luck, voicemail greeting was the default recording. So, against my best judgement I get out of bed and actually get my old phone out, transfer SIM cards, and well, still no luck. That number was not in there either. So it could be a random texting, but here's the creepy part. I think that person checks my website, because I got mentions of the "wedding pics." Eerie, right? So, hey, if you're reading this right now, you owe me and you suck! So anyway, this is apparently a person I'm not friends with, because it says "Do you think we will ever be friends?" There's actually a lot of people I'm not friends with lately. You know, because I've been slowly doing inventory of the people I associate myself with and listing some people off as no good. Plus, an ex friend recently tried to contact me online and I sorta ignored her, which I still have no regrets about, I still hate her. Don't worry she deserves it. Then, there's the ex red head that I saw Saturday night. Wow! I should've really started from the beginning.
Okay, so it all starts when I finally got my new toy. Ta da!

My new phone. So excited. I actually spent all of Friday night making configurations on it, and playing, it was the most fun.
Saturday I went to the mall and shopped for my New Year's eve outfit. I splurged! But I can justify all that money spent by saying "It is the hottest outfit I would have ever worn to date." You will have just have to wait for the pictures. I'm so excited! Got home, took a nap, woke up around 6pm and started getting ready.
My friend's band was playing at Liquid at 10:30pm that night, so the plan was to go to the Pumphouse a bit earlier so I can relax in front of the MegaTouch, and then swing by Liquid to see Charlie play, and then bail. When I got to the Pumphouse I saw Garth there. I chilled with him for an hour, played MegaTouch, and texted Charlie to let him know I was already downtown. He tells me he'd been at Liquid setting up since 6pm, which makes me feel like a douche, so I downed my 2nd drink and bailed. Got to Liquid and met Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Riffle, John and Justin. I kept having to recite that throughout the night because I started getting confused and calling everyone Ryan. Whatever. By the time I had had my fifth drink for the night, an ex walked in. An ex of the red headed kind. Ugh! So, blah, blah, blah, and I went back to Pumphouse to finish the night, I think around the ninth drink I was done.

And hence the massive hangover the following morning. I usually limit myself to two maybe three drinks when I go out so this was hellish to say the least. Got up and forced myself to eat and drink gallons of water. Napped and felt better by the afternoon. Mom decided to have a family dinner, and I had to run to WalMart and buy pork chops, which was a great retreat actually. I spent an hour walking around and whining to Becky about everything I thought was going wrong, everything pretend going wrong, and everything else in between. Becky determined I need to start taking anti-anxiety meds again. Which I think I will. Oh, and there's nothing wrong, I've just had way too much free time, and way too much thinking. Can't wait 'til classes start again.
Anyway, so dinner with the family after Ching and Brian got done with their weekly poker game. Updated my journal and wrote a draft of my New Year's plan. That was it, then I went to bed. I IMed with Eli for a bit since he was online, and then fell asleep, around 10:30ish. Now I'm not sure why sleeping at 10:30ish constitutes waking up at 4am but I guess my body only needs 6 hours of sleep. I will try to keep that in mind. Also considering I didn't have to be at work until 10am, this actually realy blows. So I'm going to try to fall asleep again, especially since I will have a long ass night tonight.
Oh, and I need awesome ideas for things to do tomorrow. You know what you do when the New Year rolls around is what you end up doing for the rest of the year. So I want a to do list of a lot of great things to do. The last thing I want to be doing all of 2008 is being bored, or staying around the house. I want to be productive, creative, and fun!
Ah, I can't work myself up again, have to try to sleep. Dear Past Midnight Texter. Please, no more texts, or atleast text me who you are. Thanks. |
posted by Jenni @ 6:24 AM  |
Texting someone at 1:45 am is a good way to stay NOT friends. I think it would earn my hate for life.
How about cleaning your room & car? Or start a savings account? You know ... being adult? Or spend it with Logan! Dance some DDR. Get some good deals at the New Years sales. Road trip *hint*.
Us ... we'll be doing house work and Wii'ing the day away.
Earn hate for life? That's kinda harsh.
Good ideas for things to do on New Year's day, I think I will do a little cleaning. I already have a savings account, but I'd be more than happy to deposit money into it if you want to send some my way. As for spending time with Logan, I'm sure Matt and Jen already have plans that day.
We'll see.
Ummmm, actually Matt had to work and I ended up at your Mom's for about three hours... :)
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Texting someone at 1:45 am is a good way to stay NOT friends. I think it would earn my hate for life.
How about cleaning your room & car? Or start a savings account? You know ... being adult? Or spend it with Logan! Dance some DDR. Get some good deals at the New Years sales. Road trip *hint*.
Us ... we'll be doing house work and Wii'ing the day away.