Wednesday, January 02, 2008
I'm back at work, obviously, and has spent most of the morning researching a return a client sent in Monday night. It's been a mind boggling experience so far. As a much needed deviation I decided to look up my horoscope for January. It looks so promising, I decided to note it, with a few commentaries from yours truly of course:
Sagittarius - The Month Ahead 1st January 2008 - 31st January 2008
You start the year with Venus in your sign and your hopes high, in some cases for entirely romantic reasons. (Uh-oh! Someone's been stalking me.) The area of money and self-esteem is in high focus too but while you may be feeling rich in spirit the content of your bank account may reveal an entirely different story. (That means I'm poor.) Fortunately, with Jupiter and ultimately Pluto in this same xone, you have the power and the opportunity to turn around a sad story and start to make serious money rather than spending it. (Awesome! That was part of the plan.) And these thoughts you should keep to the forefront of your mind, especially during the first week (now) and on or near the 24th (so someone remind me) - the reason being that there are some challenging aspects to deal with virtually as soon as we cross the threshold into 2008. One of the facets of this time of year is that real life has been put on hold since the 21st of December but by the end of the first week of January all those cooped up chickens come home to roost. The issues are going to vary from Sagittarian to Sagittarian but they will involve facing some painful truths (that I need to stop drinking my money away) and mapping out a new road ahead (take valiums instead). Another point of confrontation, which is very positive if you eject yourself from the river of denial, but not so good if you use it to unleash violent emotions on an undeserving object (i.e. pick up trucks). So, please keep away from the kitchen and the knife block if you have an issue to bring up with your nearest and dearest.
So, romance...venus always does her best to bring harmony to bear so you may find that marital (non-existent) wars soon blow over and that a new found interest in each other (doesn't apply) develops. This is also a premium period for attracting the opposite sex (good) an dputting a casual affair (casual affair?) onto a more serious footing. The venus-Saturn square of the 6th is all about making love legal (I'm for sure not getting married this month) and coming to terms with the reality as opposed to the fantasy of a relationship (but I already know the reality, love blows). However, a week later venus squares up to Uranus causing romantic upsets (because I'm bipolar) and making Sagittarians feel insecure about a relationship or some other commitment. (Not looking forward to that.)
On the 28th (mark your calendars) Mercury goes into reverse thrust, stalling one or more of your plans and making the going very convoluted indeed. Do your best to tie up as many loose ends before that date, then be very precise with your information.
So, my take on the whole thing. Lots of good advice, and plenty to get my hopes up on. I would be all set if all the freaking planets would just stay in place and quit squaring off with each other.
P.S. Jennifer sent me one of those mass forwards that says "Tomorrow at 9:21am somebody will address you and tell you something you have been waiting to hear." So this one I did mass forward. Then I marked my calendar, set my phone alarm for 9:21am tomorrow and I'm going to sit and wait. Somebody better "address" me, and they better say something good. |
posted by Jenni @ 1:13 PM  |
It just seemed like a FW: I didn't want to ignore at the beginning of the new year! I did it because I'm hoping a friend of mine is prego!! Maybe that'll be my news tomorrow??? Whatever it is, it better be good or I'll look even more 'stupider' than I already do!
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It just seemed like a FW: I didn't want to ignore at the beginning of the new year! I did it because I'm hoping a friend of mine is prego!! Maybe that'll be my news tomorrow??? Whatever it is, it better be good or I'll look even more 'stupider' than I already do!