Wednesday, October 25, 2006
 | I have one more day of work before I get some much needed rest. I have a ton of side work errands, what I call my non-essential to-do's, to be done Thursday and Friday. As well, Ray and I are planning on seeing Man of The Year, which I'm really looking forward to. Robin Williams is never a let down.
I also have homework to catch up as usual, and cleaning my car which is always put off it seems. Just a lot of little details that I'm sure once done will add to a much better living vibe.
For now I'm concentrating on not getting sick. I know I've been complaining of it a lot these past few days but only because I feel it taking over me. Everytime I think "Not until the weekend," and every weekend I think, "Not until I'm done with what I have to do." So the bottom line becomes that I just don't have time to get sick right now.
I've eaten lunch downtown for the past two days. I've been meeting with Ray and Anthony, and it's been a pretty good deal. I usually box my left overs and eat it for dinner at work, which saves me the trip through downtown ghettoville. Monday was Old Chicago, and yesterday was Oscar's. I'm about to call and see if Ray is up for eating at Uptown Bistro, or maybe even Hana Cafe. Yesterday on our way out of Oscar's we saw Eli and Chuck coming out of Hana and Ray had to point out that's he's never been in there. My poor baby =P
In actuality I enjoy eating with Ray because I'm not usually motivated to sit down and eat on my own. (I blame it on being spoon fed by our Yaya's until I was atleast 10 years old.) Of course, considering my current weight I can't afford missing any meals. So I try to eat with Ray as much as I can, which also helps in that he encourages me to eat more and finish every meal. Also, since I'm hypoglycemic, which means my glucose level is abnormally low, I have to eat every three to four hours to keep from having sugar spells. So at work, I'm constantly snacking on whatever falls out of the vending machine. My goal is to eventually get my health a little more under control and as an added bonus maybe gain 15 to 20 pounds in the process. |
Gaining weight has always been difficult for me and I'm not quite sure why. Considering how much I eat, and more specifically how much fast food I eat, I should be ballooning already. Everyone blames it on my metabolism, but I have a growing suspicioun that I have tapeworm. Okay, I'm not serious, but it could happen.
For most of my high school career I was trying to break 100 lbs. I've been a steady 86 lbs ever since. I gained 32 or 36 lbs while pregnant with Logan, and dropped it within a week of having birth. No idea how. Sometimes I can get lucky and get up to 95 lbs, but inevitably it goes back down again. At this point I'm starting to accept that this is how I'm supposed to be. I actually like the way I look, that's never been a problem, I just wanted to weigh more. But being 25 years old, if this is my natural weight, then that's it.
I was thinking of beginning to join Ray when he works out downstairs in the gym. Maybe if I can't gain fat weight, I can add muscle weight and maybe that'd be even better. Besides, what good is having a flat screen in the gym if I can't use it =P
BTW, I finally received my medal for bowling in the Wichita Corporate Challenge. We only got third but it's a start. I think I'll be doing this every year and start a collection.

Alright time to hit the shower. Expect a longer, more detailed blog tomorrow when I don't have to work. Adios! |
posted by Jenni @ 9:36 AM  |