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Thursday, October 19, 2006

This Side
Nickel Creek

One day you'll see her and you'll know what I mean.
Take her or name her, she will still be the same.
She'll not try to buy you with her time.
Nothing's the same as you will see when she's gone.

It's foreign on this side.
And I'll not leave my home again.
There's no place to hide,
And I'm nothin' but scared.

You dream of colours that have never been made.
You imagine songs that have never been played.
They will try to buy you and your mind.
For only the curious have something to find.

It's foreign on this side.
And the truth is a better friend.
Reasons, few have I,
Go back again.

Your first dog blinded you, left you cursing the day.
Entrance is crucial and it's not without pain.
There's no path to follow unless you're here.
Climb up the slide and then you'll slide down the stairs.

It's foreign on this side.
But it feels like I'm home again.
There's no place to hide,
But I don't think I'm scared.

(There's no place to hide.)
(There's no place to hide.)
But I don't think I'm scared.
(There's no place to hide.)
But I don't think I'm scared.

This weather is harsh for galavanting around town, but it's perfect for cuddling at home. These last two nights, going to bed has been the highlight of each day. Doesn't hurt that Ray has been the absolute sweetest. Last night we had the fireplace on and it was completely cozy.

Today will be my last day of work this week. Ray and I both have Friday off for his birthday. I do believe it will be semi-relaxing, but there's still some time he has to devote to getting the hot tub set up since it's being delivered this weekend. Friday night we're eating dinner at his parents'. Michelle cooks the best home fries. The best! I hope she makes some for Friday. Everyone cross your fingers.

I am feeling the backlash pain from running around being a superhero all week. I've been sneezing non-stop since I sat down in front of the computer. I'll pretend I don't notice my body shutting down, and we (my body and I) will have no other option but to keep going. Really, what's one more 8 hour shift?

Well, I have laundry, dishes, and a tad bit of vaccuuming to do before work. I want everything to be spotless by tomorrow so we can just relax, without worrying about any chores that need to be done. Bye, everybody!
posted by Jenni @ 9:22 AM  
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