Friday, October 27, 2006
This is my first double post with my site and Ray's site. Yep, Ray's site =D
Yesterday I got all the cleaning done, dishes, laundry, bathroom, bedroom, ironing, washed the bathroom rugs and all, with enough time to spare to watch Ugly Betty. Woke up sore, a little feverish but yet again, no time for that. Sat down and tackled getting Ray's site up and running. I was going to just stick him with a premade template but they were all so unfitting and the one I did like he said was too yellow. So this morning I made from scratch with love.
Now all that's left to do is to get his domain name to forward, maybe switch him to GoDaddy, and teach him the basic html codes to get him going on his own.
Not much time for a real post. Need to shower and do more errands before Ray gets home at noon. Planning on going to Philippine Grill for lunch, one of those moments when you wish you lived closer to Mom. Hot tub is due to arrive today so I'll let Ray blog about that later.
Happy Friday, y'all! |
posted by Jenni @ 10:58 AM  |