Friday, December 29, 2006
I was considering cancelling my holidays since I only took off so many days because The X had so many days off and I had planned on spending time with him. I didn't want to end up sulking all weekend. But then I thought, now is the best time to break the mold of living around The X's schedule. So I planned an entire weekend of getting ready for the New Year's kick off. Of course, Life thought she'd plan something better instead.
Last night I spent at work getting tons of sweet messages from Guy B. It was probably the best time at work yet. After work I met Guy B and his friends at Oeno, the new wine bar down town. Guy B is friends with the owner I guess so it made it more relaxing. Afterwards we left his friends there so we could continue our pool challenge at the Pumphouse. I am yet to win a single game. Another set of Guy B's friends ended up being there so we sat down at their table and closed down the bar there. When I got home this morning I was looking forward to sleeping in until it was time to go out for my day of pampering, but Guy B sends a message about lunch and movies. Luckily, something came up at work for him and lunch has been postponed an hour later. I had sorta killed a lot of time text messaging and AIMing in bed. It's my weekend, I'm allowed to be lazy.
Logan is already here, Mom is cooking bacon, I have decided to get the laundry out of the way so that's already spinning, seems like my holiday is starting out just right. I win!
p.s. Just when I was about to make a choice, obviously with Guy B in the lead, Guy A sends a text message asking what my plans are today. If he all of a sudden starts stepping up it'll be a very tough decision. Maybe I should just go out on my own tonight, start fresh and find a Guy C. Maybe Ching's compact mirror that she gave me has magical powers. Maybe it does make it so that there's "So many men, so little time." Oh, I still have to take a picture of it, it's really cute. Ah, regardless, time to shower. |
posted by Jenni @ 12:10 PM  |