Friday, January 04, 2008
Eli wanted an email, and I told him I'd write him one last night, but I wrote the email address down on the scratch pad at work and absentmindedly left it when I went home. This morning when I woke up he was looking for it. He gave me the address again, and told me to write him before he went to bed (they are 15 hours ahead in Japan) but I thought to kill two birds with one stone, and since he is constantly stalking this blog anyway, I would just post it here.
Dear Eli,
(I don’t know why I started with “Dear Eli” but it seemed fairly fitting.)
I hope you are not really getting sick like you suspected. That would truly suck, unless it becomes enough of an excuse to get you back home ahead of schedule. I know we always say we miss each other, and it always half jokingly, but I really do miss you. Even if we don’t really see each other that much, I still feel a lot safer when you’re close by. It was actually really funny how when I told you I was sick you knew exactly what I needed - fried chicken, white rice, chicken soup and Tabasco. I don’t think even my own parents would have thought that. I really think you know me better than most anyone, (except maybe Becky.) Which, I guess is why I have been real careful not to put myself out there lately, because no one would take care of me now, if something bad happens. I would have to wait to have another emergency until you get back.
And I’ve been thinking that since you know me so well, maybe what I said yesterday is not such a good idea. I mean, it wouldn’t be the same or fair. You already know all my tricks and secrets. We’ll leave all the shananigans to another unsuspecting tool. Deal? I think that’s my final decision. Yes. I need to start being more decisive about these things. I am going to be decisive – today’s personal mantra. =D
I got to work early, but later than what I had planned. Which sucks, but atleast I’m feeling a lit bit better. I’m still all stuffy, but the tension headache has subsided. Anyway, I’m sorry I didn’t get to chat with you on the IM as much. I was logged in on the Blackberry and I was in the middle of trying to get ready, you know? Then when I finally got to my PC at work, it logged off my phone and lost all the messages I hadn’t checked yet. It was a poopy deal!
Tonight, I’m not sure if I’ll be going out. I mean, I’m still not 100%. If I do go out, it will probably just be to the Pumphouse. As always. But we’ll see. Tomorrow I have to definitely go out to my coworkers birthday shindig. So I have to make sure I’m back to feeling good by then.
Oh, and remember how I broke my debit card when you were still in town. Well, I finally got the replacement. I was so relieved. The one I had been carrying was already starting to fall apart, and it was so embarrassing every time I had to use it and tell people to just type the numbers in. Garth called it my “Jenke bank card.” He is such a douche! If you met him you would agree. But you know, he’s still my friend, because I have to be friends with everyone. That’s just me.
I’m supposed to be writing articles today, but the site we post on is down, and I’ve been waiting for it to get back up. It very sporadic, and frustrating. I bet you’re glad, because now you have your letter, not by email, but still you got it.
So I hope I still get my tree, or atleast a branch, or if you can’t get that through customs just pick some flowers off and press them for me. You know how to press flowers, right? I mean, you are gay, so that should be one of you favorite past times =D. Well, if not, Google some instructions. I will be more mad at you when you get back and you didn’t try, so try.
(You think maybe I offended gay people from that last bit. You know, because I included you into their circle. =D That is very offensive. So I guess I apologize.)
I hope you’re doing your almost laugh again, and not reading between the lines. I’m sure I’ll still be at work when you get up so hit me up.
Jennifer, Jen and Jenni.
P.S. Tell Chuck I said Hi and let him know I need his help with the Blackberry. I get a pop-up with Unknown Error everytime I try to connect to my laptop. Well, not everytime, but since this morning.
P.S.S. I want pictures of the Sanrio store! |
posted by Jenni @ 1:12 PM  |
How can someone who 'claims' to not like people insist on being friends with everyone? I smell a fish.
eli didn't tell me, he's an ass.
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How can someone who 'claims' to not like people insist on being friends with everyone? I smell a fish.