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Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I've actually been feeling real icky. I think the past weekend tried to kill me. I didn't get a lot of my to-do list done, but it was still eventful.

Friday night, Adam and his band practiced while I read Bukowski upstairs. Went to bed, and I woke up early as usual. Adam begged "Please, baby" to stay sleeping until 1pm. That was fine with me, I snuck out to get his birthday present. I think he liked it. We went to Red Bean's Bayou for lunch, and by the time we got back it was time for band practice again, and I left to take a shower and get ready for the night ahead. Came back to bug Adam about running late, and help transport him and his gear to Liquid.

We got to the club at 7pm for set up, I was way hungry and we were way too early. They didn't even end up starting until 10:30pm. Thank gawd for Whiskey Creek, right beside the club, and that the Liquid crew let me bring food in. By the time I came back with my food though, his brother and sister-in-law were at the table next to where I was sitting. It was kind of awkward but atleast I finally got the nerve to atleast introduce myself, or let myself be introduced.

The show was good. Adam will cringe when he reads this and it reminds him of the night because tons of things went wrong, but it was still a great show. Maybe I'm biased, but if that's not it I know for sure I was distracted, because Bebi is sexy when he's serious. =D After the show we packed up all the stuff and headed back. We even indulged ourselves with a quick drive through McDonald's for Quarter Pounders. It was GOOD! I love fast food!

The rest of the band decided to head back to Liquid, Adam thought he'd take a shower first, but by the time he got out it was already 1am, and I don't think he wanted to head back out again anyway. That night ended up being a bit strange. He couldn't sleep, and I kept waking up randomly. We didn't end up falling asleep until past 4am.

Of course, I still woke up early-ish the next day. We "lounged around" in bed until about noonish. Adam took me to DeFazzio's for lunch, and then accompanied me to the Ulrich Museum, and to look at the sculptures on the WSU Campus. It was actually pretty entertaining.

After the art tour he decided it was a great day to keep walking and took me out to Chisolm Creek Park. Me in my four inch platforms thought "How bad could it be?" We were having fun up until I rolled my ankle, and we were only halfway around the effing park. To his defense, he offered to carry me several times, but he already makes too many remarks about me being fragile that I knew I would never hear the end of it, so I kept on walking. By the time we found the car I knew I was dying. We rewarded ourselves with Cherry Limeades and took off to deal with the rest of the day.

The rest of the day for him was dinner with his parents. Mine was just a long nap ahead. Still I woke up the next day feeling shittier than I had felt when I fell asleep. Every muscle ached, plus a very persistent cough. I missed work and school. Bebi came by after work to bring me a thermometer, popsicles, fried chicken and rice. He got to meet Mom and Dad too. He kept asking if it was common for my boyfriends to come by the house. I told him no, except for the ex. Come to think of it though, he's the only boyfriend that's ever come over voluntarily to bring me sick people stuff and take care of me. The ex used to say, "If you come over, I can take care of you" which I always thought defeated the purpose. I think Adam gets extra credit brownie points for Good Samaritanship.

Adam kills with the Brownie Point system. If I try to tally it up, it'd be:
  1. 50 automatic points for overall hotness
  2. 50 for being geeky smart
  3. 50 for being motivated and talented
  4. 20 for being patient with me
  5. 20 for being supportive
  6. 40 for letting me be his baby
  7. 70 for saying he loves me

And of course extra credit goes as follows:
  • 10 for finding good sherbert to keep around his house for me
  • 10 for coming over the house (despite having to meet my folks) to take care of me
  • 20 for all the days he puts up with my crankiness and accepts all my apologies with a smile

    I am the happiest baby ever. Despite still being horribly ill, I did actually wake up at ease, and happy this morning. I think maybe I can get used to this. And for that reason I refuse to die. As a matter of fact, I am going to try my hardest to get up and out. Maybe I can still go to work even if I'm late, but if not I will atleast get stuff accomplished. And most definitely I will be going to class. Bebi, is a private school snob, who mentioned to me yesterday, that I am not considered smart unless I graduate. I'm sure he was joking, or atleast he better be, but just in case, I should probably try a little bit harder.
  • posted by Jenni @ 9:33 AM  
    • At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

      Ummmm, he ONLY gets 20 for being patient with you?? Try a million!!

      I know that's what I give my pookiss for putting up with...me :)

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