Wednesday, April 02, 2008
If we applied this species of octopus' mating rituals to ours, everything starts making sense. For example:
If the female needs to go foraging, aka shopping, the male just gets dragged along behind. =D
Males are choosy when investing in guarding a mate, supposedly to get "the most bang for your buck," and this guy suggest you may mate with a another female on the side but not invest in mating with her. Good job guys!
And it is even suggested that if you are another male wanting a female already guarded, you can just pretend to be another female and "get a copulation or two and then move on" then if the big male detects you, you can try to look like a female and move away quickly. Hahahaha. I have a good friend that have mastered this bit. |
posted by Jenni @ 8:39 AM  |