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Sunday, March 30, 2008

I might be Bukowski's kid after all -

It's pretty hard to hear so here's my best transcription:

What is your definition of love?

Love...is kinda like, you know, when you see a fog in the morning when you wake up before the sun comes out? It's just there a little while and then it burns away.



It burns away?

Yeah. Quickly. It's just...love is a fog that burns with the first daylight of reality.

Hahahaha. So true. I can't believe I found this vid. First, Adam and I were just talking about "absolutely" as a response, and as well, having to go back to "reality." Wow. This is a bit too mind blowing for a Sunday night.

Anyway, I got most of my school stuff done this weekend. And even got enough studying in to get a 100% on my online quiz tonight. So happy! Work is falling on the wayside but school always comes first, so I'm not holding out on being able to stay at the same place of work through the summer. However, with all the hard work trying to graduate in time, I'll most likely need the break. Get some time to transfer back to WSU or look into Southwestern. Ah, do I really want to think about it now? No, but sometime soon I will have to.

For now, let's do a quick weekend recap. And what a weekend it was! Basically, I spent most of it with Adam. He was concentrating most of the week trying to get a demo packet ready, basically staying up til past midnight recording, mixing, taking pictures, and making the logo. We tried to keep touch through IMs, texts, and phone calls, and a couple lunch dates here and there. Finally he caught a break when he found out he had more time to get the demo stuff done. Here's a fast breakdown: Lots of eating out - Old Chicago, The Good Egg, Chili's, and PF Chang's. A little bit of drinking. Went to see Alien8 play, also saw Critical Bill, pretty good. Visited Watermark Books got myself a new Charles Bukowski book, of course, will find time to read this one. Lots of talking, and laughing and nothings. I think that's it. Oh, and we are officially "dating," whatever that entails. I think that falls somewhere in the middle of "Single" and "In a Relationship". Maybe my new status is "In an Almost Relationship." Ah, this is a question for Answerology.com.

If you guys haven't heard of Answerology.com you should go check it out. I have been advised this is the coolest thing out there. Hahahaha. I can't explain it. It is pretty cool though. We did a small test and really it took 10 minutes before we had like 10 different responses. Ah, I'll explain it more later, or I'll let Adam explain it. I'm sure if he ever blogged every other sentence would have "AWESOME!" in it. Hahahaha.

Okay, where was I at? Well, all in all the weekend was relaxing, even with all the actual real world stuff I had to accomplish. It was literally like a fog. Adam said it felt like a vacation. Parting this afternoon was a bit bittersweet. No, actually, it sucked. I was not looking forward to going back to school work, or work. Oh, here's the week ahead.

  • I need to drive to El Dorado, hopefully Monday morning, and get the Phi Theta flyers out there.
  • I have to email my Art instructor and let him know I will be coming in late, if at all.
  • I have to still go to school Monday night, regardless of wether I make the class, to get the flyers out there.
  • I have to study for an exam, and write a paper - these are for two separate classes.
  • I have to start looking for a new job.

So all of this, and the best reward comes again during the weekend. Why do we keep living for the weekends? Adam's band's gig should be tons of fun. I'm looking forward to that, and getting enough to make fun of him for the following day =D. OKay, my train of thought keeps getting derailed by the inevitable suckiness of tomorrow. I think that means it's time to go to sleep.
posted by Jenni @ 9:08 PM  
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