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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So a couple days back I was munching on some snacks in the kitchen and walking around the dinette set (I don't like sitting down to eat by myself) and happened upon a Beretta manual. I flipped through it quickly, verified it was a gun manual, thought about it for a second and concluded it must be a stray book. Until I saw Daddy's blog -

"For a while now, I had been thinking that maybe it is time to consider of getting a home security system. But then, with these security system, usually you have to pay a monthly monitoring fee plus people will come to my house drill holes and whatever it needs to install all those sensors.

Then, one day I thought … why not just get a home/personal protection? So I decided it’s time for me to get a gun … yeah, a gun. That way, I can also use it as my second hobby… getting to the shooting range and do target shooting. That will be a good excuse to get out of the house… well, I guess."

Daddy really loves this house, you know, I believe it when he says he was deterred from getting an alarm system because people would be drilling holes in the house. You know, Daddy came by to install his surround sound before the basement was dry-walled just to keep from drilling holes? But a gun? In Daddy's hands? I mean, I love guns. I've been wanting to get a handgun myself for quite some time. But Daddy? With a gun? I can only imagine the next time he decides I've pissed him off again. I really have to consider moving out. You think I'm joking? Look at what he bought!

It's a Beretta Cx4 Storm Carbine; Semi-Auto .40 S&W; 14 rounds. Okay, I know Daddy only buys the latest and greatest toys, but the hell does he need a semi-automatic that loads 14 rounds? If I ever got in trouble, I could hit the golf course behind the house running, and I would not have a chance. On the flip side, any potential stalkers could be shot on the spot. Ooh, I have some stalkers I would not mind getting rid off. I'm starting to see the bright side of this. Hmmm... Maybe I can just lay low, stay on Daddy's good side, and then get him to shoot my stalkers down. Hmmm...

The vid above - Kathleen Edwards, Back To Me. (No, bebi, this is not about you =D) I thought about this because there is a line in the song that goes "I got ways to make you run, and my Daddy's coming for you." It's so fitting now! Wow, I love being part of my family. Never a dull moment.
posted by Jenni @ 7:34 PM  
  • At 1:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    fuck, that's it..... I'm finally dead.

  • At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think you've lost it, Jen.

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