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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Within 26 minutes I had an entire relationship end, begin and end again, and all through the cellutard phone. Behold the future of dating!

It all started when I was advised through text message that he (the someone person) and I were already doomed, and it was my fault. (I'm still not sure how everything is my fault, but I am also currently being blamed for the huge flu epidemic that has swept the nation.) I told him that he dumped me before he got me, to which he asks "do I got u now?" I was fairly confused on how that worked and told him if he could make a diagram I was all his. I didn't get a diagram, I got some sort of mathematical equation that was so hilarious I knew it would be translated in blog. (Now everyone has initials to go with the stories, but no names until he's more semi-permanent.)
ac - [ja*:(] + ja - [ac*:(] + [ac][ja][:)] = ac+ja

I seriously don't know what it means, but it's freakin' cute, so I was like "I'm all yours". I mean, how could you say no to that, right? And then, in a snap, the honeymoon ended. He said to congratulate him tomorrow, or Tuesday, because he was off to do some "mixing". Ah! What? Here's my little mathematical equation:
{ac+ja=[ja*:)]} + [ac*:p] = ja*?^10

And yes, I'm a dumbass, because he called right after, but I couldn't talk to him. I can't talk to you! I just let him read the blogs, because as big of a dork as I am in blogging about him, I am a bigger dork talking to him. I just want to stay in my pretend world, where I am always in charge and smooth, and not cringing at my retardation every 5 minutes. Man, I swear, this boy will be the death of me. I am so together, I plan things, I am in charge of things, I boss people around and make them cry, and then he shows up and I turn retarded. Why? Because of his stupid blue eyes, and stupid smile, and stupid goofy-always-right-smart-ass attitude. You are a jack ass! Does everyone see? It's like I developed some type of relationship tourettes! WTF!?!
posted by Jenni @ 9:07 PM  
  • At 6:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Neither one of those equations is in the least bit mathematical.... complete rubbish.

    you're asian, you should know these things!

  • At 7:07 AM, Blogger Jenni said…

    Oh, Eli, don't be pissy. I think I'm in like, and if so, you will soon have a new best friend. Or, I guess, he can just hate you like everyone else did. Your pick, but don't rain on my parade, gaytard!

  • At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    in like, like, like like, or like.

    -the soon to be despised eli

  • At 8:15 PM, Blogger Jenni said…

    in like like, I think think.

  • At 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Okay, I thought the little mathematical equations were cute.

    Sorry, I'm a dork.

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