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Thursday, March 13, 2008

I'm so tired of everything. Work, school, people. This is not how I had pictured things at all, but every morning I think to myself "something's gotta give." Yep, still waiting. Everything is almost one giant joke - the people I interact with through work, my classes, and yes, sadly, even the people I interact with on a personal level. Ohmigawd, I feel indifferent. What happened?

I have to go swirl searching again. Remember, the swirl, "when the right place aligns with the right time resulting in me owning the world." I have to find it again. So everyone who's anyone will know where to find me now.

I have tons of school stuff to get done today, along with a Phi Tetta Kappa meeting this afternoon. I'm going to get some breakfast and start the process of pretending to care, but I hope everyone acknowledges that I don't.

Below, I felt like hearing this song. I lost the CD. Thank god for YouTube. Sing along time:

Our Battles - Maria Mena

Our battles are repetitious
if not broken poetry
And maybe that's the attraction
that you're as self-absorbed as me

You jumped to the conclusion and landed on my chest
Now how am I supposed to make you see

I’ll just write this down with hopes that you'll understand
I will no longer be disciplined by the frustrations of an insecure man
And while I kissed your face you'll know that I will no longer apologize for your former lovers' mistakes

My past is mine to keep
Now who are you to question me
Perhaps, someday you'll learn
too bad it's not our turn

You jumped to the conclusion and landed on my chest
Now how am I supposed to make you see

I'll just write this down with hopes that you'll understand
I will no longer be disciplined by the frustrations of an insecure man
And while I kissed your face you'll know that I will no longer apologize for your former lovers' mistakes

You set the standard for my future
You set the standard for my future (lovers)
You set the standard for my future
You set the standard for my future (lovers) x4
You set the standard

I'll just write this down with hopes that you'll understand
I can no longer be disciplined by the frustrations of an insecure man
And as I kiss your face you'll know that I will no longer apologize for you former lovers mistakes

I will write this down
Former lovers' mistakes
posted by Jenni @ 8:01 AM  
  • At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You'll get through it no problem. You always do.

    Come hang out if you need a change of scenery or we can go to Tokyo for an hour though they don't have drinks, yet. Or not. Whatever gets you through.

    Try to have a good day. I'm pretty freakin blah myself. I've been wanting a drink and a break for a few weeks now.

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