Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I crammed for my Art exam. I left work, and scurried my way to Timbuktu. I got my red beer, lit my cig, and opened my notes. For 30 minutes that MegaTouch machine egged me on, but I stayed strong, I gave myself 30 minutes to study, and 30 minutes to relax my brain. Yes, I played a game or two or three, but only after I was confident I had memorized all I could. I planned on taking the exam and bolting to Oeno. The instructor said the exam would take one hour and he would only give us one hour. I thought this meant we could leave afterwards. I was so wrong.
When I got to class I saw my Art instructor speaking with my Spanish instructor from last sem. I think maybe she let him in on my routine for taking exams - get buzzed, breeze through and leave to celebrate. Yes, she did not enjoy it I'm sure. She was my instructor for 3 semesters, and my last semester with her she gave me the talk of not making "dates" for immediately after the exam. This was after I got huffy about having to take the final exam later than I anticipated. My argument was, if I can take the exam in 10 minutes, why stay for the whole 3 hours. Same argument I have for tonight. It is a freaking conspiracy.
I finished my test and gave my Art instructor that look of "I'd rather not disrupt the class, but I am done, can you come here and grab the test, and I can silently ghost my ass out of this room." He looked at me back with the look of "I know you think you're done, but you are not. Please look through the exam again." To which I responded with a shrug and a look of "Take it away. I refuse to touch it again." I won, obviously, because now I am in the hall blogging. But why am I still here? Because he has decided to have a lecture for the second half of the night. What kind of planning is that? Er.
I walked out of the class, defeated, and on my way out I bumped into my Spanish instructor again. She was smiling. I knew it! All's well, actually I like her a lot. Someday I will get her sloshed and we can be beliggerent drunks in Spanish. Ah, I can picture it now.
So, the rest of the class seems to have caught up. Perhaps I can sit back down, pretend like I care, and get sent home early enough to catch my celebration at Oeno. One can only pray. |
posted by Jenni @ 8:07 PM  |