Saturday, March 08, 2008
I'm back back. I think. I hope. Feeling very good and healthy. Oh, I hope this is it and I don't get sick again this year.
So right now, I am at work. Good Saturday morning regimen for someone that has missed a lot of days. So far, no one has come by to fire me. Until then I keep praying. We are busy by the way, which is why I am writing on notepad right now. I plan on getting distracted a lot, so instead of having Blogger up, I'll just cut and paste when I am done done. (Back back and done done, I need to learn more adjectives.)
I know Becky has been checking the site regularly, and I'm sure it's partly because I haven't talked to her in what seems like ages. I have been meaning to call, but first she was on a conference and then that weekend Wayne was visiting and I didn't want to ruin their time together, and then the work week for sure she is busy. I did make myself a note: Call Becky and thank her for the CD of wedding pics, and thank Wayne for the Felicity DVDs. And I have to tell you about someone someone. =D Well, most of the info on someone someone will have to be on a phone call. Lord knows I am a big enough dork as it is to start gushing on a blog. I'm at work until 7pm tonight though, so maybe tomorrow?
Well, let's catch up. School is getting hectic, work is busy with the tax season, and I was sick for forever, but all in all I think I feel good. I am a walking ball of cheeze whiz today. I know should not blog immediately after an "I-don't-even-know-if-it-was-a-date" night, but I was given permission to, so how do you pass that up? So someone took me out to dinner, or actually, met me for dinner, and it was really good. I think I might have another favorite restaurant, to add to the ten or twenty that I already consider my favorite. Good food is good food. I would tell you guys where it was, but I don't want anyone randomly showing up there, so in the dark you must be at this time - so says Yoda. After dinner we were SUPPOSED to call it an early night, or someone was, but I guess someone changed their mind. Instead I got to go to an actual movie theater for the first time in forever, and got to watch half of a movie. Half because I picked the movie and it sucked. The main characters were making out and being stupid, I could barely watch I was so embarrassed for them. We left the movie and sat at Finn's for a bit. James was spinning, and I was told he was getting married! Well I wasn't just told, James told me. So excited! I love weddings! And baby showers! I love baby showers, and guess who's having a baby? I am so happy and I hope that I found this out before Eli because I like rubbing stuff like that in his face. Oh, I digressed, sorry. So we sat at Finn's and it was soooo nice. Kinda. Well, all in all, nice. The talking, was nice. There was intermittent weirdness, but it's okay because I think it was only because we don't know each other well, and ... well, that's normal, right? Someone was very funny though, I was laughing a lot. I always laugh a lot when we hang out though. And someone is also very smart. I like that. I think in my rant email that never got sent I said "I would not mind debating every subject imaginable with you and losing" except for the pointing habit, that has got to stop. But please no one ask me what's going on, because I don't know. That's it, I don't know. Maybe you know, you should tell me, because I don't know. You know who would know? Becky. I can't wait to see Becky again.
I took a break from writing and realized I just made the longest paragraph in the world. I would have gone back and edited, and made it look better, but no time. This is what you get today. I am writing like I talk. Also, after the break I did this big rant that turned into something fairly similar to the rant email I never sent, so I deleted it. =D Behold the power of cheese!
Speaking of emails, I got an email from Jakey this morning. Such an awesome surprise! Jakey is also a very smart and funny guy. Anyway, after almost a year of not having heard from him, I got an email. Yay! This is cool why? Because Jakey is big on St. Patrick's day. Remember last year? And guess what holiday is coming up. I wonder if maybe he will cook again and I can beg to partake. Uh oh, I hope he's not writing to get his sweater back. Possession is 9/10ths of the law. Plus, that sweater is like one of the three green garments I actually have. Well, I knew I had to part with it someday. Poor me.
Ugh, it's only 11:41am. Seriously? Today is dragging. I feel like I've been writing for always. Bleh. I wish someone would text message me something stupid to distract me.
I'm starting to get snippy with people, which I think after all this time is very good. I have been letting clients take advantage of my kindness and I've been doing more research that they should have already done to begin with. Now, I just say "The system calculates it that way, if you don't feel that is correct you have the option to override it." I don't care why, or how, or when. I do not want to hear the life story of your company. Do it and hang up. He he he! I am a big meanie.
Well, maybe I'll blog more later, or tomorrow. Whichever. This is enough rambling for right now.
Cut, paste, and post. |
posted by Jenni @ 4:04 PM  |
Hey are you, like, OK? I read this blog and you used a Yoda quote and, ummm, wow. Are you ok??
hee hee
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Hey are you, like, OK? I read this blog and you used a Yoda quote and, ummm, wow. Are you ok??
hee hee