Monday, February 11, 2008

Everyone can tell I've had no time to even tend to the blog. It's been a struggle not logging in and getting even a short synopsis of what was in here. Currently, work and school has kicked my butt again. I feel suffocated even just thinking about it.
Last week I worked my 7:30am to 4:30pm shift. Monday and Tuesday after work I headed to Timbuktu, the bar and grill across from school, for dinner, a beer, do a bit of homework, and waste a dollar on the MegaTouch. Tuesday I actually got to leave school early because of the weather condition. Got home, and tried to do more homework. Wednesday night I had dinner with Carla and Paul, and a short visit at the Pumphouse. That night I was home by 11pm. Thursday night, no plans of going out, I plopped in front of the telly right after work, caught up on some CSI and did homework. Friday - same story. Saturday, I woke up early, drove to work to decorate a couple of cubes with birthday shite, and headed back home to (guess) do homework.
I met Carla and Paul at the Pumphouse Saturday evening and played a couple games of MegaTouch before we migrated to Liquid to see a friend's band, Alien8, play. It was pretty fun. I also bumped into an old acquaintance who, I guess, is also in a band, called Shrive. We had a good time just doing shop talk and almost poking Carla in the eye with my dramatic hand gestures. After the night was over Carla and I (Paul went home early) headed to IHOP and then called it a night.
Sunday was pretty laid back. I must admit, I didn't get a lot of homework done. Was taken out to dinner. Tried Pei Wei, but they were so busy we scurried to Olive Garden instead. Not too shabby. I managed to get a glass of wine out of the deal. When I got home that night I did more homework, and some laundry before heading to bed for another early morning.
Monday was a just a huge ordeal of me trying to balance work with school. I had a test last night, homework due, and 5 videos I had to watch. I was literally sitting in class an hour before it was to start watching the fifth video in 2x replay. I bombed the test. I'm sure I got 80% but that's not much. I'm also a bit behind on my other classes due to the fact that I had to wait for my books to be ordered and then to arrive. I've already skipped a couple quizzes. There goes my honors stole I guess. Bleh.
I was actually contemplating quiting work. Live off my tax return until graduation. Basically I had a 4.0 GPA until last semester's 3.25 and now I'm down to a 3.6. I'm .1 percent away from being another average student. But thinking about this further, I am paying my tuition with the money I'm making off work. I actually have my monthly tuition installment due this week, and having spent $400 on books already, needing $600 for a new timing belt still, plus lord knows how much that car registration that came in the mail was, I think maybe quiting is not the best idea right now. Ah, Life! All I can say is, this whole going to school gig better be worth it.
Anyway, seeming to be another long day at work. I started this blog at 8am and having been typing in between calls, it's already 12:56pm and this is as far as I've gotten. After work is another school night, and hopefully we can get out early again so I can come home and catch up on homework some more. With all that said I might not be going out tomorrow. Especially since I have a Phi Tetta Keppa thingy majigy to go to from 6pm tp 7pm. We'll see.
*Going to lunch will type more soon.
Lunch was good. Now I am sleepy. I left my Art textbook at home too. So, after work I guess I'll be driving back to Derby. Maybe I can get a nap in. Only 2.5 hours left of work to go. Think I can make it. |
posted by Jenni @ 10:01 AM  |
Don't worry about your GPA.. Employers don't really care.
Well it's not the employers I care about, it's my next step into getting my Bachelor's. Phi Tetta Kappa will only keep me as a member as long as my GPA is atleast a 3.5, and by graduating as a member I get automatic scholarships from the school nearby. Wichita State is $2,000 a year and Southwestern is $3,500 to $5,500. Not much, but helps when you're paying your own way.
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Don't worry about your GPA.. Employers don't really care.