Friday, February 01, 2008
As a short intro, yes, I'm still sick. Tried to get ready for work and mid shower realized I wasn't going to make it. Ewl!
So, me ignoring everyone was short lived, if it ever really was. Well, I never ignored CR, I was just snippy, and even that didn't last long. The one who doesn't want to be blogged about, texted last night to see if we were friends again. Well, sure, but I told him, if he decides to keep acting like The Ex - psycho jealous stalker-esque - then I atleast expect him to buy me jewelry. =D
So happy February 1st. It's National Wear Red Day so help support the American Cancer Society. I would myself except I'm stuck in bed for the meantime.
Speaking of the new month, here's the new month's horoscope for me, since it was spooky close last time:
1st February 2008 - 29th February 2008
The month opens on a brilliant note with the lovely Venus in conjunction with glorious Jupiter. This is a sign of warm and wonderful things to come and the blessings you have already in your life. For some Sagittarians, there is good news on the financial front (thank gawd!) and, even though Mercury - the planet of transport, travel and negotiation - will be retrograding until the 19th , you can have confidence in deals struck in the early part of the month, especially if they are linked to property, money and your status. The solar eclipse of the 7th falls in the zone of travel and dialogue and portends a journey of some significance: this may turn out to be entirely literal in that you will be making a trip (uh-oh someone has already hinted about taking a "trip" - not good) - perhaps somewhat unexpectedly - or it may imply that an experience takes you on a journey of self-discovery (hahahahahahahaha). Valentine's Day puts the moon in the zone of relating so you may well receive a wonderful validation from someone you love, and, with Saturn also in place, there could be a major decision made on this very day. The more important eclipse for you, however, is the total lunar eclipse of the 21st. This brings to an end a chapter of life, especially if you are a November Sag (which I am), and urges you to accept that in order for you to grow and fulfil your true potential some things, and, perhaps, some people, have to be set aside. But as with all eclipses it's not so much what you put in motion as what the universe does.
Alright, so every pay attention and take notes, let's see what happens. Besides the two eclipses set to happen this month, there should be other fun things coming my way. |
posted by Jenni @ 8:58 AM  |
Are you ever going to get over the sars? This has been going on for years!
Hope you feel better soon. Give me a call some time this weekend.
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Are you ever going to get over the sars? This has been going on for years!
Hope you feel better soon. Give me a call some time this weekend.