Friday, January 18, 2008
So, I have this stat page that shows me everyone that visits the site, what pages they are reading, how long they are staying at each page, and where they are coming from. Sometimes I see people that accidentally find the page just by way of Googling keywords. Some of them become return visitors.
Really funny, someone searched for cleaning supplies and got my post about cleaning my inbox. Later on that day I see a visit from the same company. (Yes, they were using a company connection, shame!) So, why? Because I'm pretty, (yes, I know I am,) or because I'm witty, (that you cannot deny,) or was it another accidental click in the explorer history?
LOL! Just a short sweet blog. I'm 30 minutes away from leaving work. Wayne just informed me that my Felicity episodes should be on their way and being in AVI format I'm very excited to watch them on my blackberry, yay! And when I'm not watching in the blackberry will be on the laptop. Consider me booked for the rest of January and all of February. Ha!
That's it, short recap. I seem to be in high demand at work. Everyone knows where my cube is and they never fail to stop in. So, when I'm not phoning or being phoned by a client, I have everyone else needing my attention.
Perhaps this weekend I'll have a more in depth blog. |
posted by Jenni @ 8:03 PM  |