Saturday, January 19, 2008
I'm back at work again today, and slowly realizing I'm running out of time. I started getting emails from my teachers for the semester welcoming me to their classes. Classes officially start again Tuesday and I have to really get in gear since I missed my 4.0 mark last semester and cannot afford another miss. Before classes start however there are tons of things I need to do. Personally errands and such.
Yesterday when I got off work, I caught up on Cashmere Mafia while I sorted out my laundry. I ended up with three hugh piles. I dropped the whites in the wash before going to bed. Woke up this morning and switched the whites in the dryer then dropped my first load of colors in the wash. Got ready for work, ate breakfast, dropped the whites on top of my bed and switched the colors in the dryer. That'll be waiting on me when I get off work today.
I had a movie non-date thing, I re-negotiated into a dinner non-date thing instead. Planning on doing that earlish to I can get home do a bit more cleaning, hopefully find a book of checks I think I'm missing, clean out my out Samsung for Mom, review my car insurance renewal papers for February, set up automatic billing for that and get ready for an early day tomorrow.
Tomorrow I intend on doing some grooming i.e. my nails, getting an oil change, and then heading to an open house with Mom. After the open house, I hope to have some time to get online and get started on my online class. I tend to procrastinate on those things so getting started now is my best bet. Sunday is going to be my one and only non-work day so I'll be trying to cram as much as possible into that.
Then work starts again Monday, after work I have an Optometrist appointment. Tuesday classes start. Friday is a bowling thingy. Saturday I work again. And then comes my next only non-wor day.
I'm tired already.
BTW, someone remind me I still need to find time to buy my books. |
posted by Jenni @ 1:28 PM  |
Good luck this semester! Hope you find that thing called 'time'. :)
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Good luck this semester! Hope you find that thing called 'time'. :)