Monday, January 28, 2008
"On the 28th Mercury goes into reverse thrust, stalling one or more of your plans and making the going very convoluted indeed. Do your best to tie up as many loose ends before that date, then be very precise with your information."
Oh, wow! How freaky is that? Today is the day everything turned around. So, my used to be 300 messenging plan that sufficed for several months was bumped up to 1000 and then to unlimited because of everything that's been going on. Today, is the first day, in a while (I'm using comas to emphasize) that I haven't gotten a text before 8am. Actually, it's already 11ish and I'm still text free. WTF?! Actually, I told MT last night I was going to start hiding out. No, not hiding out like I'm going to stop going out. Hiding out as in, I'm ignoring all of you from now on. Yay, me!
I also have class tonight, and this time I plan on going to the right one. Yes! I've so got today figured out. I even already made trade shift switches to cover for my dentist appointment Wednesday, and possible lateness due to drinking on Thursday. (Yes, I'm responsible and plan those ahead.) And I got the early shift again next week (after a trade) so I don't have to be late for my classes. I'm on the ball. Even updated my calendar already.
So, I'm tyng up loose ends and trying to be precise. Hells yeah!
The week ahead:
- Monday - work and class
- Tuesday - work and class
- Wednesday - dentist appointment, work, and girls night
- Thursday - work and homework
- Friday - work and TBA
- Saturday - optometrist appt and something secret
- Sunday - homework, laundry, and everything else.
Looks good, right? Precise? Almost maybe. We'll see I'll try to update. I have some pics from Saturday too that I need to upload. That was a fun night aside from the drama. |
posted by Jenni @ 5:30 PM  |
You can't go by the name of "Multitaskergirl" and expect to be left alone between the hours or XX and XX, you know?
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You can't go by the name of "Multitaskergirl" and expect to be left alone between the hours or XX and XX, you know?