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Friday, February 29, 2008

This post will get me random text messages today. Hi, Becky. Hi, Jennifer. Next time, why don't you girls just ignore me. You know I'm retarded. I was sick, possibly hallucinating. So I'm not explaining the poem that follows this, because I said so, and I'm boss. Although, I'm a bit disappointed I don't have a Kurt Halsey image to go with it. Perhaps afterwards, if I find excess energy after this whole sideways in bed, trying to type without my glasses ordeal, I will try to find an image to tie in. Because poetry without Kurt Halsey is just ... poetry. Pardon me, I think my brain just quit on me =D

Without further adieu, I'm thinking of calling this one - Not So Random:

Another one not far from the last
You're just another version of my past

You are every man I ever fell for
You are every man that ever lied
You are every man I ever relied on
And each one that never tried

And I knew you looked so familiar.

You sang a song that sounded so brand new
But nothing's different, you're still just you

You are every man I ever trusted
You are every man I ever feared
You are every man I've tried to forget
And each one I still hold dear

And I knew you looked so familiar.

Well, if I keep this up I will surely get jaded but will wake up every morning craving a glass of water and wanting to write. Hmmmm. Well worth it I think. Really doesn't even hurt anymore, turns a little funny, a sad funny, but nothing I haven't dealt with. Oh, Argentina, quit crying.

Hmmm...save post and find a picture? Yes, I think I will.

Ta da!
posted by Jenni @ 6:22 AM  
  • At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    with all eyes on the stars
    and the romanticism of the past

    i want to find an angel
    but know it could never last

    so easily disappointed
    and quick to make a point

    i pull her down to earth
    to callously judge her worth

    all the while i forget
    that in this confusion, i despair

    to make the ones i hold dear
    pay for my own mistakes

    amidst this dance, this contention
    and without any bitter resolve

    i think of your smile again
    and wish the night had ended with a hug

  • At 12:24 PM, Blogger Jenni said…

    I thought about it - first I was going to send messages to confirm who this was, I usually don't post anonymous comments. But this is nice. I'm a bit teary eyed actually, maybe because I'm home and dying, or perhaps I do have a heart after all.

    Thank you for the nice poem.

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