Saturday, March 15, 2008
Nothing to blog about, I leave you with poems:
Welcome to my burning house Come right on in Analyze the shit you walked in on Mask suspicion with your grin
Appreciative of being humoured No place to demand honesty or respect I accept what little you can offer To mend this walking wreck
Welcome to my burning house I'm sorry if you get burned Feel free to walk out on me This lesson is not yours to learn
Appreciative of the company Welcoming you with open arms But always with the warning This causes no good and all harm
So here is my own burning house Not unlike those I've visited before We have joy, pain, confusion And animosity in store
And hoping when it ends We'll still walk out as friends When all is burnt and broken With nothing left to mend
And one for fun...
Faces flash before me, Everynight in bed alone. Regrets try to bombard me And I wave them off with a moan.
To all the men I never loved, And those I liked a little, Apologies and excuses For why I cannot settle.
I know some may hold grudges And other have forgotten, But every memory haunts me the same Alone I feel wretched and rotten.
If I could beg you, pretty please, Send your ghosts away on other duties. I'll promise someday, (though certainly not soon,) I'll sacrifice and be a Mrs.
Okay, everyone much better? Good, me too. |
posted by Jenni @ 5:27 PM  |