Sunday, March 23, 2008
Everything is good. Hahahaha! I wanted to start with that statement. It's like a confirmation that things have not turned to shit quite yet, and I still have the option to run. Whew!
Well, I guess I left off blogging from work Friday evening. After work I went to Carino's and started out with sangria, sat there and waited, then Adam arrived a bit later. It was a semi good meal. Really, I was only craving the bread and the roasted garlic, (and the sangria,) but having tsiramisu was added bonus. We finished our meal an hour earlier than when the movie was supposed to start, so we decided to get another carafe of sangria and just chill at the bar area. Before we knew it more than an hour had passed. Geez! And now I can't even remember what we were gabbing about. Must have been good. We drove to the theater anyway, just to drive away again. In the end we decided to just head to his house and relax for the rest of the evening.
I ended up spending the night, but not sleeping (keep your minds clean,) I guess not being used to having someone there right beside me. Sad, but I have grown accustomed to cuddling my pillows. My pillows that don't get warm during the night, and don't move around as much. I think we woke up at 6am, and then again at 8am, until I decided I would just head home and start getting stuff done. I didn't get stuff done, however, I ended up continuing my sleep, and I guess after I left, so did he. Around afternoonish we decided to eat lunch at Red Robin's before he had to "teach" one of his bandmates more songs, and before I had to get ready for the rest of the night. (I am going to hear about those quotation marks, but I don't care.) After lunch he convinced me to come back by for a nap. The nap turned out not a nap at all, and was conveniently interrupted by the "bandmate". (I love quotes!) By the time I left his house that go around it was 6:20pm, I had to drive back to Derby, shower and get ready, and Kim's birthday bash at the Shadow was at 7:30pm. Bleh. We made it there at 9pm. All's well, though, because the birthday girl herself did not make it there until shortly after we arrived.
The night turned out really fun, for me atleast, I can't speak for anyone else.

I will say, on the picture above, I'm the one that looks drunk, but it was so the opposite. I think he had fun too. Maybe. He saw some of his old friends there, and chat them up for a bit. After Shadow, we stopped at Rene's for breakfast. Yummy!
(BTW, the Ex was freaking out by this time. More on than later.)
We got back to his house, and this time I was determined to get some actual sleep. Unfortunately, my bebi had decided, (with his awesome planning skills,) to drink a Rockstar on the way to the Shadow, and then indulge in Red Bull and Vodka's for the rest of the night. So he was wide awake. It took several times of him getting up and walking downstairs and upstairs, and me talking to him, and me whining for sleep, before we finally got there. But we did get there, and it was good sleep. I guess so good I started snoring, and Adam being the jerk that he is said he decided to plug my nose just to see what would happen. He told me the story this morning and you could tell he was really amused with himself. Ah, the joys of having sleepovers.
We got up and out around noontime and got some good food from the Emperor's something out on the west side of town. It was like Sumo's minus the show. I had steak and shrimp and loved it! I went home shortly after.
Now, the Ex had started text messaging yesterday afternoon. It started out fairly civil. By the time I got to the Shadow it was turning incessant. I was trying not to lose my cool, and did not want to let him ruin the night so I finally turned the phone off. When Adam and I got to Rene's I checked my phone and there were more messages. When I woke up this morning, before I grabbed my phone I called out 20 as the number of messages I would have missed. Close. 16 texts and 2 missed calls. Enough to warrant a restraining order, don't you think. Anyway, still because I'm such a pee-on, I sent him a text and told him I'd call him later. I did on my way home. I thought I could try to reason and tell him why things are not as bad. He started getting unreasonable like usual and I swear I hated myself all over again for even trying. I guess the anger got more of an audience because then he backed off, and now I think we're okay again. Soon, I'm hoping we can be friends and not have this bs looming over us. Hence, the pic I posted above. Usually, I wouldn't lest the Ex went psycho, but I think (giving him the benefit of the doubt) we are both mature enough to let each other move on from here. And still some might argue that I am hoping for a bit too much. We'll see.
For now, I would like to get my school stuff put together, because yes, spring break is over. I would like to get some laundry done, I would love to find time to do my nails, and I'm hoping to be able to meet Eli and Ted at OC for an Applezini (cinnamon apple pie with vanilla ice cream and caramel) and a couple glasses of Lambic. Mmmm-mmm-mm. Adam is at home recording and I'm sure he's going to be busy for the rest of the week too. Just as well though. This weekend was a bit ...gosh, I don't want to say intense...highly concentrated (?) Hahahaha! Just a lot of things, like milestones or stuff, in a really short period of time, and I'm, I think, panicking. Like an anxiety attack. Not in a bad way, just I was still trying to get used to saying "dating". But he is great, so for sure after Monday and Tuesday I'll be begging to see him again. Or even probably by tomorrow I'll call and pester him just coz I love hearing his voice. Errr! Well, we'll see on that one too right?
Okay, time to jam out to a couple choice songs and then get up and out.
Oh, and Ching's blog, so funny:
posted by Jenni @ 5:42 PM  |
That's a sweet picture of you guys!! Awwwww!
(I want my pile of clothes!)
Next time you reblog one of my blog entries, I would appreciate a trackback! =P
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That's a sweet picture of you guys!! Awwwww!
(I want my pile of clothes!)