Monday, March 31, 2008
Ever since I discovered the joys of prescription drugs, everyone around me has offered the suggestion that I should be able to cope without them, and ever since then I have tried and failed. Put me in the reject bin and consider me flawed, I can't live like everyone else. So today seems to be one of those days when I trudge through "obliged to obligations I cannot keep." Yes, I woke up like this. I had a dream that everyone I knew was disappointed in me because it looked like I had promise or something, or that I would be smarter, or that I would could survive. Then I woke up and the dream needed no further interpretation. Hello, Reality! Well you know, no one would be disappointed if no one cared. So please, if you are one of those caring people, look away, I am disappointed enough on my own. Yes, I woke up like this, but if it were up to me I would not have woken up at all. |
posted by Jenni @ 8:02 AM  |