Wednesday, April 16, 2008
So, today was no fun. I did, however, get a lot of catch up homework done and organizing done. For the rest of the day, here's what's left:
- Stay a little after 5 to decorate my coworker's cube for his bday.
- Go over to Adam's, grab dinner and hang out until band practice.
- Go home when they start practice and get ready for tomorrow's work day.
- Grab stuff for tomorrow's food day.
- Tomorrow is work, and after work I'm doing my nails and getting stuff ready for Friday.
- Friday is work and the tax party, (and Adam's bassist bday too I guess.)
- Saturday from 9am - 12pm I'll be in El Dorado doing the Adopt-A-Highway program.
- Saturday night we are going to watch bands play.
Woohoo! Right? I have tons of catch up with my math class, a paper to write for astronomy and art. A Relay For Life walk to get ready for. My mind to lose, if it's not been lost already. Tons of stuff to do and do. I should maybe write these down.
Nah, I have 12 more minutes to keep surfing through news sites. I'll do that instead. =D |
posted by Jenni @ 4:43 PM  |