Monday, April 14, 2008
On the couch at Adam's with a laptop on my lap, (this was what they were intended for - not a desk) and my Lambic on one hand. This leaves me one other hand to type with, but I bet I'm still faster than most, HTML tags and all. Thank you, Mavis Beacon!
They are practicing again, and someone needs to remind me to get some damn earplugs. Getting better, the rythm guitarist is slowly catching up. This is looking promising. Yay! Hahahaha! This benefits me none, I guess I just enjoy playing chearleader. I need an effing hobby.
Especially since my employment ends this week, but not soon enough. I need to concentrate on my classes and ensure my graduation. I'm hoping I'm not too late. This tax season took a lot out of me. If I can pull through this graduation, I'll take a much deserved summer off. If not, I'll keep on the grind stone, with no one to blame but myself, the IRS and Uncle Sam :P. Of course, I'm sure after two weeks I'll be itching to work again out of sheer boredom, but the best scenario is making it through this semester and going back to work in July to start the new tax season. Unless, of course, I manage to snag a more stress free job that pays close if not better. (Hi, Ching!)
I think I'll start up a new website and get myself a life. Outside of work, school, and Adam. Give myself a reason to get out there, and write again. Ah, and I think I have enough poems to start getting ready for a new book. If only I can find them. They are strewn about my room I'm sure, in little crooks in crannies. Most of the time I write it's out of frustration, so I grab whatever writing utensils are close, and whatever I can write on, vomit on them and then throw them off in disgust. I'll find them. If I can measure angles and calculate distance based on speed and trajectory. I can CSI my room and find them all.
All in good time, right now I need a cigarette. I'll blog more at work tomorrow.
P.S. Sorry, Eli, for messing with your head today. I hope that teaches you not to give me random shix again. BTW, we were going to go for 5, but we decided not to be show offs. Then again, night's still young :D |
posted by Jenni @ 9:14 PM  |
HA HA! CSI your room! Clever! :)
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HA HA! CSI your room! Clever! :)