Monday, January 15, 2007
Multitasky - is that a word? Probably not.
All day I was meaning to do stuff. Just stuff. To get ready for the week ahead. I was going to leave the house an hour prior to the Dr's appointment, just to run errands. That didn't go as well. The doctor's appointment left me feeling a bit ill. I was attacked by a killer migraine shortly after, I blame it all on the crying. Yes, there was crying, don't ask. So I got home, and I was in pain and sick to my stomach, so I napped for what seemed like forever. Good dreams, though, that's always a good sign. Woke up, watched the Golden Globes. Yay, Borat! And also the premiere of The Hills. Ah!
I did manage to make myself go to WalMart to get some food to pack. Yep! Will start packing food. In between classes and work, I'll have no time to even go through drive thru's so pack I must. I got cereal, milk, microwaveables and juices. Will need to start eating healthier now. Also, I got a lipstick. Hahahahahahaha! Yeah, seems like a joke to me too. I always go through phases where I think "Y'know, I'd be pretty if I start prettying up." That lasts usually two or three days, then I get tired of having to stand in front of the mirror for more than 10 minutes and I'm me again. If you catch me wearing perfume, then you know something important is up. Usually, it's just soap and baby oil. =D
Anyway, just a quick blog. It was meant to be longer but now I'm feeling sick again. Ewl! I have absolutely no time for this. So this is where I find out how tough I really am, right? Lots of motivation people, that's what I need. I get to see the doctor again Monday, so that should be another fun filled day. |
posted by Jenni @ 10:52 PM  |