Sunday, January 14, 2007
I'm actually very nervous. I have a fairly intense doctor's appointment tomorrow. I had originally scheduled it for Friday but missed it due to everything that's come up. Can't say I regretted missing it, but then again, it's something necessary. Today I just spent the day at home. I actually altered two slacks by myself. Defeats the purpose if I'm supposed to start gaining weight, but I needed something to keep my mind of things. Whatever happens, life has to go on.
Tuesday classes start. Another nerve wracking event. I haven't had to show up for classes in person for a years. It should be interesting to say the least. This begins my hectic adjustment period. I'll have these classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. One of the classes will cause me to miss about an hour and a half of work which will be made up by working an extra hour and a half on Wednesdays.
Also this week begins the Outreach program I volunteered for through work. Have I not mentioned it yet? We'll be surveying the homeless population in Wichita. It'll be broken up into two different days. One for training and another for the actual volunteer time. It's one of my New Year's resolution to be more involved in my community. If I'm going to be out and about anyway, I might as well be out and about for good causes, right?
This Friday is Mandy's goodbye/good luck party. Mandy got a different position at a substation so we'll be throwing an event. The last event didn't get planned as well, so I'm taking it on to plan this one. I don't get off work until 11pm so it's going to be a bit of a time crunch, but hopefully all fun.
Saturday I have off, but if properly motivated I should be out getting my windshield replaced. It cracked fully last Thursday when all this snow started falling. It's a freakin' hazard, and I refuse to continue driving that way. The only thing that prevented me from fixing it this weekend was all the snow still left on the ground. I hate winter! But it's supposed to start getting sunny again by Friday so hopefully it'll be warm and nice Saturday.
Sunday should be the photo shoot. I had a ton of sexy pictures that was taken but unfortunately I don't have copies of most of them. These will be a little more professional, a lot less home made, which takes the fun out of them, but I should look just as awesome. A little reward for me, and for those who email me requesting copies =D See, that was a joke. I haven't lost my sense of humour. Hahahahahahahaha!
The following Monday I have to show up for Jury Duty. Did I forget to mention that too? Forgive me, a lot of things happen in this little world of mine, and some things eclipse the others. I have jury duty which everyone has explained I should be able to get out of due to my current employment. I called them, and they said "not necessarily" and so I still have to show up to be told whether I have to show up. Fun!
That's a brief look into what's ahead. I know I've neglected a couple emails, a couple calls, and some text messages, and I apologize. I'm trying to be less self involved but it gets pretty rough sometimes. I know there's a lot of people out there willing and able to share my burdens, but at the end of the night I have to sleep with all my demons, and no one else can help me with that. So forgive me, and understand, and pretty soon I'll be back on track again. And don't feel so neglected. I've probably failed to mention too that I blew off a lot of Guy Listers this week. Just feeling snappy and cranky and not able to handle anyone getting close to me. Everytime I go out with someone they're immediately on my nerves. So if you haven't heard from me, you should be lucky.
For the rest of the night, I'm cleaning and throwing out anything that brings me bad vibes. That's a lot of things. For one, I have an IPAQ I need to unload. Most likely will be Ebay'd. I'll also be trying to prepare all my work clothes for the rest of the week, seeing as how I have to be up and out by 8am now. Err! So goodbye staying up til 4am. I will definitely miss drunk blogging. And please don't write me off yet as someone you'll never see again. I'm sure if you give me enough notice I can plan to see each and every one of you atleast once every other week. Except for Eli 'coz he has good movies. |
posted by Jenni @ 9:21 PM  |